What is chemcalk 955-sl?
What is chemcalk 955-sl?
Compliant Chem-Calk 955-SL is a one-compo- nent pourable urethane sealant. Its tear and abrasion resistance charac- teristics, along with its strong bonding ability to concrete, delivers an ideal sealant.
Why choose Chemchem-Calk 915?
Chem-Calk 915 meets the stringent requirements of Miami Dade County Building Code for high velocity hurricane zones. Achievement of the Miami-Dade NOA demonstrates the superior “hurricane strength” of this premium sealant. DL Laboratories
What is Chemchem-Calk 505?
Chem- Calk 505 creates the ultimate water- tight seal for commercial applications. This durable sealant meets ASTM C920 Class 25, Use T, while meeting current VOC guidelines set forth by commer- cial building standards.
What is Chemchem-Calk 2020?
Chem-Calk 2020 exhibits “stay white/non-yellow- ing” characteristics, and offers superb paintability. It is suitable for most build- ing materials, including stone, masonry, wood, engineered wood, hardboard, aluminum and a variety of other met- als.