What is consolidation process in soil?

What is consolidation process in soil?

Soil consolidation refers to the mechanical process by which soil changes volume gradually in response to a change in pressure. This happens because soil is a two-phase material, comprising soil grains and pore fluid, usually groundwater.

What are the consolidation properties of soil?

The consolidation characteristics include compressibility modulus, Poisson’s ratio, coefficient of permeability and the OCR. These characteristics are needed for anchor capacity calculations under long-term loads.

What is K0 consolidation?

K0 consolidation. It is sometimes important to carry out triaxial tests under condi- tions of zero lateral strain. These tests are known as the K0 con- solidation. The K0 test consolidates a saturated soil sample at zero horizontal strain keeping the cross-sectional area constant.

What is normal consolidation line?

Overconsolidation. If the current state of soil is on the normal compression line it is said to be normally consolidated. If the soil is unloaded it becomes overconsolidated. Soil cannot usually be at a state outside the normal compression line unless it is bonded or structured.

What are the two types of consolidation?

There are two major processes that lead to the final consolidation. These are synaptic consolidation which takes place within immediate hours of learning and encoding while the other is system consolidation where hippocampal memories are independent of hippocampus storage after a certain period of time.

What are the types of consolidation?

There are different types of business consolidation, including statutory consolidation, statutory mergers, stock acquisitions, and variable interest entities. Consolidation can lead to a concentration of market share and a bigger customer base.

What is isotropic consolidation?

Last Updated on Mon, 20 Dec 2021. Most soil samples tested in the triaxial apparatus are isotropically consolidated, i.e. consolidated under an all-round hydrostatic pressure, before the commencement of the shearing part of the test.

What is isotropic compression?

Isotropic compression is a common exercise in soil testing. The modified Cam-Clay model describes the relation between the void ratio and the logarithm of the pressure. In this example, a soil sample is placed inside cylinder 10 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height.

What are the types of consolidation of soil?

The consolidation of soil is divided into three stages including initial consolidation, primary consolidation, and secondary consolidation.

What are the methods of consolidation?

There are three consolidation methods, which are used depending on the strength of the Parent company’s control or influence (see also Significant influence): Full consolidation, Proportionate consolidation, and the Equity method.

What’s the difference between equity method and consolidation?

Consolidating the financial statements involves combining the firms’ income statements and balance sheets together to form one statement. The equity method does not combine the accounts in the statement, but it accounts for the investment as an asset and accounts for income received from the subsidiary.

What is isotropic consolidation and shearing in soil?

The soil specimens are isotropically consolidated and sheared in compression with drainage at a constant rate of axial deformation. CD tests can be performed on all types of soils. Drainage is allowed in both phases of triaxial testing; isotropic consolidation & shearing.

Is isotropically consolidated clay possible?

It is appreciated that other forms of consolidation are possible, e.g. K0 consolidation, but these forms will not be considered here. The form of the compression curve for an isotropically consolidated clay is shown in Fig. 13.1a.

What is the specific volume of an overconsolidated soil?

Let vK — the specific volume of an overconsolidated soil at p’ = unity (i.e. 1.0kN/m2). Then the equation of line DB is: A, N and k are measured values and must be found from appropriate tests.

What is the formula for PE in clay consolidation?

For a normally consolidated clay, subjected to an undrained triaxial test, Pe = a [ but with drained tests p|. will vary (see Example 13.3). 13.4.2 Comparison between isotropic and one-dimensional consolidation


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