What is couchbase API?
What is couchbase API?
The Couchbase Server REST API enables you to manage a Couchbase Server deployment as well as perform operations such as storing design documents and querying for results. Use the REST API to manage clusters, server nodes, and buckets, and to retrieve run-time statistics within a Couchbase Server deployment.
What is couchbase used for?
Couchbase Server provides high availability for reading and writing of data through a variety of features. Couchbase provides high availability using intra-cluster replication and index replication, and disaster recovery using cross datacenter replication (XDCR).
What is API bucket?
The bucket API allows to get a typed JSON document from the bucket configuration based on its name. Use the semicolon separator to specify more than one bucket name in the request url.
When should I use couchbase database?
These applications may serve many concurrent users by creating, storing, retrieving, aggregating, manipulating and presenting data. In support of these kinds of application needs, Couchbase Server is designed to provide easy-to-scale key-value or JSON document access with low latency and high sustained throughput.
Is couchbase any good?
Couchbase is a great NoSQL database and most businesses will benefit from this software. For those launching and developing applications, Couchbase is a solution.
Is couchbase a JSON?
Some databases like Couchbase store their data as plain JSON, in this section Matt highlights the many reasons why to use a distributed document database.
How is couchbase?
In a typical setting, a Couchbase DB resides in a server clusters involving multiple machines. Client library will connect to the appropriate servers to access the data. To facilitate horizontal scaling, Couchbase uses hash sharding, which ensures that data is distributed uniformly across all nodes.
What is S3 APIs?
The S3 API is an HTTP/S REST API where all operations are via HTTP PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, and HEAD requests. Each object is stored in a bucket. Beyond the basic object CRUD operations provided by S3, there are many advanced APIs like versioning, multi-part upload, access control list, and location constraint.
What is REST API in AWS?
A REST API in API Gateway is a collection of resources and methods that are integrated with backend HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. API Gateway REST APIs use a request/response model where a client sends a request to a service and the service responds back synchronously.
How does couchbase store data?
The data is stored in a Couchbase cluster using buckets. Buckets are isolated, virtual containers which logically group records within a cluster. A bucket is the equivalent of a database. They provide a secure mechanism for organizing, managing and analyzing data storage.
Is couchbase a good company to work for?
I really enjoyed working for Couchbase. The management team is supportive and easy to work with. The company is generous and very supportive of all the individual teams and their efforts.