What is defect triage process?

What is defect triage process?

Defect triage is a process to prioritize the defects based on severity, risk, frequency of occurrence. The triaging mechanism helps in preparing a process for testers and developers to fix as many as possible defects by prioritizing them based on parameters identified and fixed by the team.

How do I run a defect triage meeting?

Test Lead schedules a defect triage meeting and sends out a formal meeting invite along with the defect report to the Triage Team. Assigns priority and severity of the defects. Gives presentation on each defect so that each triage team member understand the root cause of defects.

What is a daily triage?

The word “Triage” is basically used in the medical field. Actually, it used to decide the order in which the patients should be treated. Usually, in big hospitals, where there are thousands of patient’s approaches for consultation or actual treatment on a daily basis.

What is defect life cycle?

Defect life cycle is a cycle which a defect goes through during its lifetime. It starts when defect is found and ends when a defect is closed, after ensuring it’s not reproduced. Defect life cycle is related to the bug found during testing.

What are the goals of defect triage meetings?

The goal of Bug Triage is to evaluate, prioritize and assign the resolution of defects. The frequency of defect triage meeting is decided according to the project schedule, number of defects in the system, overall project health, etc.

What is defect clustering?

Defect clustering means a small number of modules containing most of the defects. Basically, the defects are not distributed uniformly across the entire application, rather defects are concentrated or centralized across two or three functionalities.

What is the main goal of defect triage meeting?

What is Defect Triage Meeting? In this meeting, discussion is done on each of every defect or bug. Severity and priority of defects and bugs are decided in this meeting. Main goal or target of this meeting is to evaluate or identify, prioritize, and assign or give solution of defects or bugs.

What is Jira triage?

A bug review, or triage, meeting is a formal meeting where all the defects of the current sprint are discussed and prioritized. Then, during the bug review meeting, the team will go through this list, study each bug to determine its priority and accurate resolution.

What is the process of defect triage meeting?

Step by step process of the defect triage meeting: 1 Test Lead kicks off the meeting with the defect report which was sent earlier on the day. 2 The discussion starts with the actions pending from the previous triage meeting. 3 If there are new defects in the defect report then these defects are reviewed and evaluated.

What is the triage process in software testing?

Thus the triage process involves triage team sitting down together, reviewing all the defects including rejected defects. They draw an initial assessment of the defects based on its content, their respective priority, and severity settings; with each person in the triage team presenting their perspective on how to prioritize the defects.

What is the difference between fixfixing and triage?

Fixing it may need more time and people, which could be better utilized for other defects. Hence it would deem lower priority than that of the first and maybe deferral candidate to another release. Thus the triage process involves triage team sitting down together, reviewing all the defects including rejected defects.

Why defect triage is not applicable for small scale projects?

Usually, the Defect Triage process is implemented in large projects and in many cases, it is not applicable for small-scale projects. There are chances to identify a huge number of defects in bigger projects than medium or small projects. Also in bigger projects, the frequency of defect identification is quite higher.


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