What is Dienestrol used for?

What is Dienestrol used for?

Ortho Dienestrol Cream (dienestrol) is a form of the female hormone estrogen used to treat atrophic vaginitis and kraurosis vulvae.

What are the major synthetic estrogens?

Synthetic steroid estrogens include ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate, estropipate, conjugate esterified estrogen, and quinestrol. Some nonsteroidal synthetic estrogens include dienestrol, diethylstilbestrol, benzestrol, methestrol, and hexestrol.

Is diethylstilbestrol used today?

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is mainly used today in men to treat prostate cancer and for palliative care to manage symptoms caused by prostate cancer treatment.

What class of drug is Dienestrol?


Clinical data
Drug class Nonsteroidal estrogen
ATC code G03CB01 (WHO) G03CC02 (WHO)
show IUPAC name

What is a synthetic hormone?

Synthetic hormones are produced by synthesis, and manufacturers synthesize estrogen and progestin using urine from pregnant mares. According to the FDA, synthetic hormone therapy can increase the risk of severe conditions including breast cancer, strokes, gall bladder disease, and heart disease.

What does high estrogen mean?

High levels of estrogen can put you at a higher risk of some other conditions. For example, elevated estrogen levels are a risk factor for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS) , estrogen dominance can also increase your risk of endometrial cancer.

Is estradiol the same as diethylstilbestrol?

DES is an estrogen, or an agonist of the estrogen receptors, the biological target of estrogens like estradiol. It is a synthetic and nonsteroidal estrogen of the stilbestrol group, and differs from the natural estrogen estradiol in various ways.

What is the meaning of diethylstilbestrol?

(dy-EH-thul-stil-BES-trol) A synthetic form of the hormone estrogen that was prescribed to pregnant women between about 1940 and 1971 because it was thought to prevent miscarriages. Diethylstilbestrol may increase the risk of uterine, ovarian, or breast cancer in women who took it.

What is the difference between synthetic estrogen and natural estrogen?

Synthetic estrogens differ from endogenous estrogen slightly in chemical structure. These slight differences cause them to be absorbed, metabolized (broken down), and excreted differently by the body. They also activate estrogen receptors differently. Estradiol is the body’s most active form of natural estrogen.

Is natural estrogen better than synthetic?

Bioidentical hormones are made from plant sources; synthetic hormones are made from man-made chemical compounds. There is no evidence to show that bioidentical hormones are any safer or more effective than synthetic hormone therapy.

Is dienestrol a phenol?

It is a member of phenols and an olefinic compound. Dienestrol is a synthetic, non-steroidal estrogen. It is an estrogen receptor agonist. Estrogens work partly by increasing a normal clear discharge from the vagina and making the vulva and urethra healthy.

What is dienestrol cream used for?

dienestrol, like stilbestrol, is a non-steroidal estrogen derived from stilbene. it may be admin orally or applied topically. its use orally has no advantages over other oral estrogens, & no oral prepn are marketed. dienestrol is primarily used as an intravaginal cream for atrophic vaginitis or prepubertal vulvovaginitis.

Does Dienestrol diacetate affect egg production?

Injection of 15-week-old sexually immature pullets with E 2 did not affect egg production ( Hagan et al., 1984). Leghorn pullets (16–20 week old) fed 352 mg of dienestrol diacetate (synthetic estrogen) per kilogram of diet experienced a delay in the onset of egg laying.

What are the prothrombotic effects of estrogen?

Estrogen is prothrombotic. It increases the probability of clot formation. Bleeding is a potential complication of natural childbirth, and the prothrombotic effects of estrogen are therefore beneficial during this time.


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