What is Digipak packaging CD?

What is Digipak packaging CD?

Simply, CD digipaks are a printed card packaging that is often used for CDs and/or DVDs. The digipak, made from cardboard stock, contains an internal plastic holder that is capable of holding one or more discs. Discs are held in place via plastic trays (flexi trays), which are glued into the digipak.

What is a 4 panel Digipak?

Bison Disc’s four-panel Digipak has a print area similar to a Jewel Case. They have a front and back cover and two inside panels. This plastic provides enough space for a spine, on which you can print your disc title.

Do mini albums come out?

EXO’s D.O. has dropped his highly anticipated solo debut mini-album, Empathy. The eight-track project arrived on 26 July (6PM KST/5PM SGT) alongside a music video for the lead single ‘Rose’.

What is a 6 panel digipak CD?

The 6 panel digipak CD (or sometimes spelt digipack) is the next step up from a 4 panel CD digipak, flexitray packaging. We can supply 6 panel digipaks with one, two or three trays to hold multiple CDs and DVDs. Alternatively, one of the panels can house CD size booklets.

How do I print on a CD digipak?

Select the number of panels required to get started! CD digipaks with 4 panels, (also called digipacks) have 4 panels of custom colour printing. Front cover, inside left, inside right and back cover. Our digipaks use a clear plastic tray on the inside right panel, this means that you can add print to this panel and it will show through on the tray.

What are cdcd & DVD digipaks?

CD & DVD Digipaks–the popular, eco-friendly alternative to original Jewel Cases. Available in quantities as low as 100 in as few as 3 days. Includes black on-disc printing. Available in quantities as low as 100 in as few as 3 days.

Can I add a booklet to my digipak CD?

If four panels of digipak CD print are not quite enough, then add a booklet to your album. Booklets are available from four page inserts, through to 36 page booklets. You may want to add song lyrics, more photos and thanks and dedications. Booklets are housed on the left hand panel of these digipak cases.


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