What is Domstal tablet used for?

What is Domstal tablet used for?

Domstal 10mg Tablet is used in the treatment of indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. It increases the movement of food through the stomach and intestines, thereby relieving bloating, fullness, and gastric discomfort.

How do I take Domstal DT tablet?

Take Domstal DT Tablet half an hour before each meal in the dose and duration as advised by the doctor. The dose you are given will depend on your condition and how you respond to the medicine. You should take this medicine until your doctor tells you to stop.

How long does Domstal take to work?

Domperidone should start to work in about 30 to 60 minutes. It is recommended that you take domperidone for the shortest possible time and at the lowest dose that works for you.

When do you take Domstal O?

Quick tips

  1. You have been prescribed Domstal O Capsule for the treatment of acidity and heartburn.
  2. Take it one hour before the meal, preferably in the morning.
  3. It is a well-tolerated medicine and provides relief for a long time.
  4. Inform your doctor if you get watery diarrhea, fever or stomach pain that does not go away.

Can Domstal be taken after meals?

Take your doses about half an hour before meals. If you take domperidone after a meal, it will still work, but it may take longer to have an effect. Domperidone should be taken for a short period of time only. Your treatment will last no longer than seven days.

What is Domstal?

Domstal 10 MG Tablet is an effective anti-emetic medicine used to relieve nausea and vomiting caused by delayed gastric emptying (the time it takes for food to empty from the stomach and enter the small intestine). It increases intestinal movements and facilitates the emptying of the bowel.

Which is better OMEZ or pan D?

Pantoprazole and omeprazole have been shown to be effective for treating GERD. In a meta-analysis that pooled over 40 different studies, results found no significant differences in effectiveness between these PPIs. Pantoprazole was found to be equally as effective as omeprazole.

Can I take Domstal during pregnancy?

A: Domstal 10 mg tablet should be avoided during pregnancy due to a lack of safety information.

What is domstal O capsules used for?

Domstal O Capsule is a prescription medicine. It is used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (Acid reflux) and peptic ulcer disease. It relieves heartburn, stomach pain or irritation, and indigestion. It promotes the movement of food in the stomach to prevent nausea or vomiting.

What are the benefits of domstal 10 mg?

For people suffering from this condition, Domstal 10 MG Tablet can treat the symptoms of vomiting, nausea, bloating and feeling full. Apart from that, it can also prevent vomiting and nausea that is associated with Parkinson’s disease. The medication works by emptying your stomach quickly, reducing nausea.

What are the side effects of domstal?

Domstal is mainly used to prevent or treat conditions like vomiting, nausea, acidity and heartburn. Convulsion and urinary retention are the major side effects at high repetitive doses. It should be totally avoided in case of liver and cardiac diseases.

When should I take domstal 10mg tablet?

Domstal 10mg Tablet is taken before meals in a dose and duration as advised by the doctor. The dose you are given will depend on your condition and how you respond to the medicine. You should take this medicine until your doctor tells you to stop.


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