What is DSDM (dsdsdm)?

What is DSDM (dsdsdm)?

DSDM is an Agile method that focuses on the full project lifecycle, DSDM (formally known as Dynamic System Development Method) was created in 1994, after project managers using RAD (Rapid Application Development) sought more governance and discipline to this new iterative way of working.

What are the eight principles of DSDM?

The eight Principles of DSDM: 1 Focus on the business need 2 Deliver on time 3 Collaborate 4 Never compromise quality 5 Build incrementally from firm foundations 6 Develop iteratively 7 Communicate continuously and clearly 8 Demonstrate control

Does FMP work with dsdplus?

The FMP programs can also work with a virtual cable connection (red lines) to send the audio to DSDplus, but they can use a network connection (blue lines) within the PC itself (or across a network?) and DSDplus can accept such an audio source. It avoids having to configure a virtual audio cable.

How to pass audio from demodulated to older DSD+ versions?

Demodulated audio can be passed to older DSD+ versions (and other programs) via VAC or VBC. DSDPlus 1.101 was just released. Get it from the Downloads section and beat it up! Report any bugs on the RadioReference.Com Forums


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