What is flash exposure compensation?
What is flash exposure compensation?
In photography flash exposure compensation is a feature that allows the photographer to add exposure compensation to output power of their flash units. This allows a photographer to reduce dynamic range by brightening dark areas of an image without effecting the exposure or brighter areas.
Why would a photographer choose to use a minus exposure compensation with the flash?
and decreasing exposure compensation when the scene in front of the lens is darker in tone. The reason for doing so, is that your camera’s meter tries to expose for everything as a middle grey tone.
What is exposure compensation and when do I use it?
Exposure compensation is used to alter exposure from the value selected by the camera, making photographs brighter or darker. In modes P, S, and A, the camera automatically adjusts settings for optimal exposure, but this may not always produce the exposure the photographer intended.
What is exposure compensation Nikon?
“Exposure compensation” is the act of deliberately altering exposure from the value suggested by the camera to make pictures brighter or darker. Although in P, S, and A modes, the camera automatically adjusts exposure, the value it selects may not always produce the results you intend.
Does exposure compensation affect ISO?
Increasing the Exposure Compensation to +1 will cause the camera to double the ISO, creating a brighter image. Decreasing the Exposure Compensation to -1 will cause the camera to halve the ISO, creating a darker image.
What is the difference between ambient exposure and flash exposure compensation?
Ambient exposure is unaffected. This can always be set on the flashgun itself, but some cameras have a button on the camera body itself where the flash compensation can conveniently be set without taking your eye from the viewfinder. Flash exposure compensation is used to compensate for the flash output when the flash is used in Auto or TTL mode.
Does flash exposure compensation affect Nikon D4?
By selecting custom function e4 (for the Nikon D4), to ‘Background only’, the overall exposure compensation has no effect on the flash exposure. With Canon, flash exposure compensation and general exposure compensation aren’t linked, as they are with (most) Nikon cameras.
What is the difference between Nikon and canon exposure compensation?
For Canon cameras, overall exposure compensation only affects the the ambient exposure. Exposure compensation is used with the automatic metering modes, however … with most Nikon cameras, dialing exposure comp in manual exposure mode will bias the meter. With Canon, you can’t dial (overall) exposure compensation in manual exposure mode.
What does exposure compensation do on a camera?
For Canon cameras, overall exposure compensation only affects the the ambient exposure. Exposure compensation is used with the automatic metering modes, however … with most Nikon cameras, dialing exposure comp in manual exposure mode will bias the meter.