What is gamma camera resolution?

What is gamma camera resolution?

Gamma cameras have a spatial resolution of 3 to 5 mm. Use of a scintillation crystal for acquisition of data for image formation has led to the labeling of this technique as scintigraphy.

What is spatial resolution gamma camera?

The spatial resolution of a gamma camera is a measure of its ability to resolve small objects in the field of view. Spatial resolution can also be defined as the minimum distance between two points such that they can be pictured separately.

What is sensitivity gamma camera?

Sensitivity of a gamma camera is defined as the number of counts per unit. time detected by the device for each unit of activity present in a source. It. is normally expressed in counts per second per microcurie (cps/mCi).

What is gamma camera uniformity?

γ-camera uniformity is defined as the ability to produce a uniform image in response to a uniform source of γ-radiation, with acceptable percentage nonuniformity analyses in the 1%–3% range (3).

What are gamma cameras made of?

In general, the gamma camera consists of a collimator, a scintillation crystal, and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs).

Does spect use a gamma camera?

SPECT imagers have gamma camera detectors that can detect the gamma ray emissions from the tracers that have been injected into the patient. Gamma rays are a form of light that moves at a different wavelength than visible light.

How does a gamma camera work?

Nuclear medicine uses a special gamma camera and single-photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) imaging techniques. The gamma camera records the energy emissions from the radiotracer in your body and converts it into an image. The gamma camera itself does not emit any radiation.

How can the sharpness of a gamma camera image be improved?

“Gamma ray radiation is very powerful so you need heavy shielding to produce a clear image. Most gamma ray cameras use thick lead, but denser materials like tungsten could be as effective while letting more useful radiation pass through to produce higher quality images.”

What are the disadvantages of using gamma rays?

Disadvantages of gamma rays compared with X-rays

  • Poorer quality radiographs.
  • Exposure times can be longer.
  • Sources need replacing.
  • Radiation cannot be switched off.
  • Poorer geometric unsharpness.
  • Remote handling necessary.

Why is a gamma camera used?

The gamma camera, also called scintillation camera, is the most commonly used imaging device in nuclear medicine. It simultaneously detects radiation from the entire FOV and enables the acquisition of dynamic as well as static images of the area of interest in the human body [67].

How is a gamma camera used?

How to choose a gamma camera?

Gamma camera systems are chosen based on departmen­ tal needs and the specifications which the manufacturers define as the camera performance characteristics. Once the camera is delivered and installed, verification of the camera specifications constitutes the first quality control test which is performed on the system.

How to evaluate the intrinsic resolution of a gamma camera?

To evaluate the intrinsic resolution of a gamma camera, the bar phantom is placed directly on the uncollimated detector and irradiated with a uniform radiation field, typically a point source of radioactivity at several meters distance from the detector.

What are the limitations of the gamma camera?

With the gamma camera, this limitation arises primarily because of statistical variations in the distribution of light photons among the photomultiplier tubes (Chapter 14, Section A.1). Intrinsic resolution is a function of γ-ray energy with the gamma camera, becoming poorer with decreasing γ-ray energy (Fig. 14-2).

What is gamma camera acceptance testing?

Gamma Camera Acceptance Testing: The First Quality Control Julie Blust Department of Nuclear Medicine, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Houston, Texas Objective: When a gamma camera is delivered, it should be evaluated to verify that it meets the performance level prom­ ised by the specifications.


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