What is George Ritzer known for?

What is George Ritzer known for?

George Ritzer (born October 14, 1940) is an American sociologist, professor, and author who has mainly studied globalization, metatheory, patterns of consumption, and modern/postmodern social theory. Ritzer is currently a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Who does George Ritzer cite as his main source of classical sociological theory that provides the metaphor of liquidity?

Ritzer uses McDonald’s as a metaphor for the over-rationalization of society. It consists of four main principles: predictability, calculability, efficiency, and control.

How many types of sociological theory are there according to George Ritzer?

Footer Social According to sociologist George Ritzer, the three paradigms are social facts, social definitions, and social behavior.

How George Ritzer uses metaphors to explain globalization?

The author invents his approach to globalization using the metaphors of solids, liquids, flows, and structural barriers. The liquidity of things that flow around the world can be seen in fruit from Chile or tuna from Japan, but also in communications technology, migrant labor, disease, and criminal behavior.

Who popularized the McDonaldization?

NARRATOR: In 1993, George Ritzer published his book titled “The McDonaldization of Society” the term McDonaldization refers to the business model adopted by McDonald’s and the fast food industry that focuses on the four main elements of efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control.

How does Ritzer define sociology?

The author of this term, the American sociologist George Ritzer, defines McDonaldization as ‘the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world’ (see The McDonaldization of Society, 1993).


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