What is gonadal regression?

What is gonadal regression?

Copy. Testicular regression syndrome (TRS) is a developmental anomaly characterized by the absence of one or both testicles with partial or complete absence of testicular tissue. TRS may vary from normal male with unilateral no-palpable testis through phenotypic male with micropenis, to phenotypic female.

What is Fowler Stephens procedure?

The Fowler-Stephens technique involves clipping and transecting the testicular vessels. Ideally, there is sufficient collateral arterial flow through the deferential (vasal) artery to allow the testis to survive. This procedure can be done in one or two stages.

What is the testicular mediastinum?

The mediastinum testis is a network of fibrous connective tissue that extends from the top to near the bottom of each testis. It is wider above than below. The mediastinum supports the rete testis and blood vessels of the testis in their passage to and from the substance of the gland.

What is gonadal hypoplasia?

What is Gonadal Hypoplasia (GH): In simple terms the lack of or underdeveloped gonads in either a male or female. Gonadal hypoplasia is characterised by aberrantly small and underdeveloped gonads, in both sexes.

What are Dysgenetic gonads?

Underdeveloped gonads are called “dysgenetic” or “streak” gonads. These gonads may not work or make sex hormones before birth. One or both gonads may also have testis tissue and / or ovary tissue. These gonads may make some hormones.

What is the bell clapper deformity?

Another cause of testicular torsion is a condition called “bell clapper” deformity. In most males, a testicle would not be able to twist because it is firmly attached to the scrotum. For a male who is born with bell clapper deformity, his testes are hanging in the scrotum and can swing freely, like a clapper in a bell.

What is the echogenicity of the mediastinum testis?

The mediastinum testes, a fibrous extension of the tunica albuginea that extends along the long axis of the testis, is present in the center of the normal testicle. It is a linear hyperechoic structure on a midsagittal plane and a central echogenicity on a midtransverse plane.

Apakah Skrotum terletak di luar tubuh?

Untuk suhu testis sendiri biasanya lebih dingin daripada bagian dalam tubuh. Inilah mengapa skrotum terletak di luar tubuh. Skrotum memiliki banyak saraf dan pembuluh darah, serta sebagai pengatur suhu testis.

Bagaimana pengobatan untuk pembengkakan skrotum?

Pilihan pengobatan untuk pembengkakan skrotum tergantung penyebabnya. Bila infeksi yang menyebabkan bengkak, dokter akan meresepkan antibiotik untuk melawan infeksi. Jika ini tidak cukup meredakan bengkak, dokter juga akan memberikan obat anti radang.

Apakah skrotum merupakan kantung testis?

Skrotum (pembungkus testis) Skrotum atau kantung pelir adalah kantung (terdiri dari kulit dan otot) yang membungkus testis atau buah zakar. Skrotum terletak di antara penis dan anus serta di depan perineum. Skrotum berasal dari bagian yang sama dengan labia mayora pada organ kelamin perempuan.

Apa yang menyebabkan skrotum kontraksi?

Biasanya yang memicu skrotum kontraksi antara lain rangsangan seksual, suhu dingin serta aktivitas olahraga. Fungsi skrotum lainnya yakni mempengaruhi fungsi seksual. Suhu skrotum yang relatif dingin dianggap penting untuk produksi sperma yang layak.


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