What is guidance and counseling services in school?

What is guidance and counseling services in school?

The major aim of Guidance Counseling Services is to encourage students’ academic, social, emotional and personal development. To reach this aim, guidance counseling services help students get to know themselves better and find effective solutions to their daily problems.

What are the guidance services?

The Guidance Office extends basic guidance services like orientation, counseling, testing, information dissemination (academic, vocational,personal and social), career guidance, placement and referrals.

What is the purpose of guidance and counselling?

The aims of guidance and counselling programs in schools are to assist individuals to develop the ability to understand them, to solve their own problems, and to make appropriate adjustments to their environment.

What are the types of guidance and counselling services?

Types of Guidance – Educational, Vocational, Personal

  • Educational Guidance. It refers to that guidance that a child or students need during his school life.
  • Vocational Guidance. It refers to that type of guidance in which ordinary information is provided regarding choosing the occupation.
  • Personal Guidance.

Why guidance and counselling is important in school?

The principle of guidance and counselling in schools is to make progress in academic achievement, increase acquisitions and application of conflict resolution, promote affirmative study attitudes and behaviour and reduce school dropouts of the children.

What is a counselling service?

Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. Sometimes the term “counselling” is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right.

What is basic guidance services?

It is a service wherein competent staff in the Counseling and Testing Office (CTO) as well as trained peer counselors assist individual students or a group toward better understanding of himself/themselves and his/their environment.

What are the main aims of guidance?

Guidance helps the individual to be aware of his strengths and limitations and helps him in identifying proper situations for satisfaction of the felt needs and thus, helps him to lead a smooth and adjusted life. Existence of problem is universal in the human society. It means all individuals have problems.

What are the functions of guidance and counseling?

helping a client develop potentials to the fullest;

  • helping a client plan to utilize his or her potentials to the fullest;
  • helping a client plan his or her future in accordance with his or her abilities,interests,and needs;
  • sharing and applying the knowledge related to counseling such as counseling theories,tools,and techniques; and
  • What is the relationship between guidance and counseling?

    The significant differences between guidance and counseling are given in the following points: Advice or a relevant piece of information given by a superior, to resolve a problem or overcome from difficulty, is known as guidance. Guidance is preventive in nature, whereas counseling tends to be healing, curative or remedial.

    What is the primary purpose of counseling in guidance?

    To give the student information on matters important to success.

  • To get information about student which will be of help in solving his problems.
  • To establish a feeling of mutual understanding between student and teacher.
  • To help the student work out a plan for solving his difficulties.
  • What are the duties of a guidance counselor?

    In the case of a guidance counselor, the specific duties pertain to assisting students plan for higher education, technical school entry, career choices and to play a vital part as a listener, talker and student adviser about social, emotional and academic challenges.



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