What is HSPQ test?

What is HSPQ test?

The High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) is a self-report inventory for children ages 12-18. It measures 14 personality characteristics that research has shown to be good predictors of social, clinical, occupational, and school behavior.

Who developed HSPQ?

Cattell and his co-workers also constructed downward extensions of the 16PF – parallel personality questionnaires designed to measure corresponding trait constructs in younger age ranges, such as the High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) – now the Adolescent Personality Questionnaire (APQ) for ages 12 to 18 …

How is HSPQ scored?

Two scoring keys are used to obtain 14 raw scores from an answer sheet. The same 2 keys are used for all test forms as scoring patterns are exactly the same for all forms: A, B, C and D. A differential weighted mean is used so that some responses score 2 points and other responses score 1 point.

How do you interpret 16PF results?

In 16 PF Test Profile, the standard score between 5 and 6 are considered normal personalities where as standard score from 1 to 3 is descriptors of low range and standard score from 8 to 10 represents high descriptive score. The subject has low score on factors C-2, M-3 and Q-4.

What is the big five in psychology?

The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

How can I take 16th PF?

When taking the test, the participant must answer 185 multiple-choice items along with 26 multiple-choice items for the Couples Counseling Report. Approximately 35-50 minutes is necessary for completion. The 16PF Fifth Edition is the current version of the test.

How do you score TAT?

Scoring for themes in TAT stories involves noting the nature of the interplay and conflict between the needs and presses, the types of emotion elicited by this conflict, and the way the conflict is resolved.

How do you perform a TAT test?

The TAT involves showing people a series of picture cards depicting a variety of ambiguous characters (that may include men, women, and/or children), scenes, and situations. They are then asked to tell as dramatic a story as they can for each picture presented, including: what has led up to the event shown.

How many questions are on the 16PF?

The 185 multiple-choice questions take approximately 30 minutes to complete and are designed to comply with EEOC requirements. The 16pf Questionnaire measures 16 different traits that influence the way individuals work and interact with others.

What does HspQ stand for?

Personality and interest inventories-HSPQ The High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) is a self-report inventory for adolescents that measures 14 primary personality characteristics which are important in predicting and understanding social, clinical, occupational and school behaviours.

What is the High School Personality Questionnaire?

The High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) is a self-report inventory for adolescents that measures 14 primary personality characteristics which are important in predicting and understanding social, clinical, occupational and school behaviours.

What is Cattell’s HSPQ and CPQ?

Cattell realized that they too are in fact younger versions of adults and demonstrate similar traits. So in an effort to know more about the specific age groups, he constructed HSPQ for adolescents and CPQ for children. Its most often used in group or classroom settings.


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