What is IC LM386?

What is IC LM386?

The IC LM386 is a low-power audio amplifier, and it utilizes low power supply like batteries in electrical and electronic circuits. This amplifier consists of 8-pins where pin-1 and pin-8 are gain control pins of the amplifier, and this IC is most widely used IC that allows a customer to increase volume.

Why is LM386 used in audio amplifier?

The Audio Amplifier using LM386 is a low power circuit that can deliver a maximum power of 1 Watt (1W) and can be used in a wide range of applications like portable speakers, laptop speakers, etc….Introduction to LM386.

Pin Number Pin Name Function
8 Gain Gain Setting Pin

Is LM386 an op amp?

The LM386 is an operational amplifier than has been specifically designed for use in audio applications… which means its performance is based on the assumption that it will be driving speakers. At least at some point. However it can, like most other basic audio amplifier chips, be used as a regular op-amp as well.

What is 8 pin IC?

8 Pin IC Socket base adaptor is an 8 pin IC holder, which can be soldered directly onto the PCB. The IC can be removed from this socket when required. The IC is placed on the socket at the time of use. This base acts as a removable IC holder.

How does sound IC work?

A sound chip is an integrated circuit (chip) designed to produce audio signals through digital, analog or mixed-mode electronics. Sound chips are typically fabricated on metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) mixed-signal chips that process audio signals (analog and digital signals, for both analog and digital data).

What class is LM386 amplifier?

3 LM386 Output Stage: It is a class AB power amplifier, that is to say, a push-pull configuration where each transistor amplifies its corresponding half wave.

How are IC pins numbered?

By convention, the pins on an IC are numbered counterclockwise, starting with the upper-left pin closest to the clocking mark. So, for example, with the clocking notch orienting the chip at the 12 o’clock position, the pins of a 14-pin IC are numbered 1 through 7 down the left side and 8 through 14 up the right side.


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