What is ikan Kerapu?

What is ikan Kerapu?

Grouper Fish / Ikan Kerapu / 石斑鱼 – Whole.

What is Kampung fish in English?

Kembong is also known as the Indian mackerel, a species of mackerel in the scombrid family. The fish is typically found in warm shallow waters along the coasts of the Indian and Western Pacific oceans.

What is Jenahak Fish English?

9. Ikan Jenahak – Golden Snapper.

What is Garoupa in Chinese?

石斑魚 shí bān yú grouper (Portuguese: garoupa) also called 鮨 Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranidae, fish family including grouper)

What kind of fish is Garoupa?

Not all serranids are called “groupers”; the family also includes the sea basses. The common name “grouper” is usually given to fish in one of two large genera: Epinephelus and Mycteroperca….

Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Serranidae
Subfamily: Epinephelinae Bleeker, 1874

What kind of fish is Siakap?

Seabass / Siakap per kg.

What is barramundi in Chinese?

金目鲈 jīn mù lú Barramundi; Lates calcarifer (a species of catadromous fish in family Latidae of order Perciformes)

What is Longdan fish?

The giant grouper, or ‘long dan’ is a wild caught, deep sea fish found in the waters around Malaysia and Indonesia. It can grow up to a weight of 400kg. The fish is prized in Chinese cuisines for its thick chewy skin and sweet flesh.

Is mackerel same as Batang?

The Spanish Mackerel in Singapore, locally known as Batang, is commonly used to make fish soups and otah. These fish have long, striped body with no scales.

Is Batang fish same as mackerel?

Batang belongs to the Mackerel family of fish, which also includes Mackerel which is smaller and cheaper, and Tua Pan which is the most premium fish within the mackerel family in our local wet markets.



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