What is ImmuKnow?

What is ImmuKnow?

ImmuKnow is an immune cell function assay that detects cell-mediated immunity in an immunosuppressed population. The assay detects cell mediated immunity by measuring the concentration of ATP from CD4 cells following stimulation.

What does low immune cell response mean?

If the ATP level is below 225 ng/mL, the immune cell response will be considered as “low.” If the ATP level is between 226 and 524 ng/mL, it will be considered as “moderate” immune cell response. A level higher than 525 ng/mL will be considered as “high” immune cell response.

What is immune cell function test?

The immune cell function assay measures the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in whole blood and has been proposed as a method to monitor immunosuppression parameters in individuals with solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplants.

How do I know if my immune system is strong?

Your body shows signs of a strong immune system pretty often. One example is when you get a mosquito bite. The red, bumpy itch is a sign of your immune system at work. The flu or a cold is a typical example of your body failing to stop the germs/bacteria before they get in.


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