What is in PlantUML?

What is in PlantUML?

PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write: Sequence diagram. Class diagram. Object diagram.

What is PlantUML used for?

PlantUML is an open-source tool and syntax for creating diagrams from plain-text definitions. You use simple text syntax to describe a type of diagram, as well as the elements which make up the diagram, and you’re away.

How do you display PlantUML?


  1. Install the extension.
  2. Open a PlantUML file in Visual Studio Code editor.
  3. Right click on the PlantUML file and select “Preview current PlantUML code” . The diagram will open in a new tab.
  4. Shortcut keys: Click anywhere on the PlantUML file and use the following shortcut keys to view the PlantUML code:

How do I use PlantUML in IntelliJ?

Installing the PlantUML integration plugin for IntelliJ IDEA Go to Settings > Plugins > Marketplace and install the plugin PlantUML integration . Then go to Settings > Other Settings > PlantUML or search for PlantUML. Configure the path to the dot executable.

How do I use PlantUML in eclipse?

Go to Help/Software Update/Find and install… or Help/Install new software… Create (if needed) or choose the following site as update site: http://hallvard.github.io/plantuml/ Select PlantUML features: Restart Eclipse.

How do I use PlantUML integration in IntelliJ?

How do I set up a PlantUML server?

Just append /uml/ENCODED to the URL. For example, this link http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/Aov9B2hXil98pSd9LoZFByf9iUOgBial0000 opens the PlantUML Server with a simple Hello World activity diagram.

What are some interesting diagrams which can be generated from PlantUML?

Another interesting diagram which can be generated from PlantUML is a state diagram. PlantUML knows that the diagram is a state diagram if it finds an initial state. [*] is the initial/final state. And arrow departing from [*] would identify the initial state while and arrow pointing to [*] would identify the final state.

What does a single dash mean in PlantUML?

A single dash indicates an horizontal arrow, double a vertical, and triple will try to make a longer connection when drawing. Dots are used to indicate dashed arrows. Another interesting diagram which can be generated from PlantUML is a state diagram. PlantUML knows that the diagram is a state diagram if it finds an initial state.

Does ogdf produce the same layout as PlantUML?

I tested your diagrams with OGDF, and both produces the exactly same layout, at least for the PlanarizationLayout with the settings that I had. It generates a slightly different output than the PlantUML default though, as it puts the entry point on the same row as the states, but otherwise it’s equal to your first example.

What does the Arrow mean in a UML diagram?

This is more related to UML where even the arrow direction has a different meaning. For example in the sequence diagram, an arrow indicates an interaction from A to B while in a component diagram, an arrow will indicate a dependency on a service, in the case of A pointing to B, a dependency from A on service B.


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