What is Isis?

What is Isis?

What is ISIS? What you need to know about Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The Islamist terror group tactics are so brutal that it was even disowned by al Qaeda. Islamic State fighters in Syria’s northern Raqqa province in 2014. Stringer . / REUTERS. The Islamic State, or ISIS, is a militant organization that emerged as an offshoot

Who is ISIS in Egyptian mythology?

Horus was equated with each living pharaoh and Osiris with the pharaoh’s deceased predecessors. Isis was therefore the mythological mother and wife of kings.

When did Isis become a literary character?

Isis plays a more active role in this myth than the other protagonists, so as it developed in literature from the New Kingdom (c. 1550–1070 BCE) to the Ptolemaic Period (305–30 BCE), she became the most complex literary character of all Egyptian deities.


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