What is Iyeye fruit in English?

What is Iyeye fruit in English?

hog plum
It is known as hog plum in English. The Igbo call it Ijikara while it is known asTsardar masar in Hausa. While I was young, a big tree of iyeye was on a road path leading to our house and it dropped fruits while ripe so we had the opportunity to pick and eat as much as we liked.

Is Hog plum poisonous?

Are Hog Plums Edible? Yes, hog plums are edible. Many people assume that, because of the spines and the tough, leathery skin, hog plums are some inedible variant of the more common plums we see on the shelves. But the hog plum is enjoyed all across South America and up into Mexico, as well as in Africa and Asia.

What are the benefits of ewe Iyeye?

Ewe iyeye is believed to boost fertility in both males and females. For women, ewe iyeye helps to boost libido, boost ovulation and regularises their menstruation thereby increasing their chances of getting pregnant.

What is papaya high?

Papayas contain high levels of antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Diets high in antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. When cholesterol oxidizes, it’s more likely to create blockages that lead to heart disease.

How do you eat a hog plum?

Eating Hog Plums Hog plums are related to mangos and have a sweet sour taste, depending on ripeness. The fruits can be eaten raw and whole as a snack, but they are commonly made into fresh juices, or used to produce ice cream, jams and jellies. In Mexico, unripe hog plums are pickled to make a sour-spicy side dish.

Is Hog plum good for health?

Amra is a good source of vitamin A that promotes healthy eyes, skin and overall health of vital organs. Also rich in calcium, regular intake of amra will ensure you have healthy bones, your heart and muscles function well, and to prevent osteoporosis.

How do you use ewe Akoko for fertility?

For infertility treatment, some women use a tablespoon of dried stem and bark of newbouldia with ginger (all in powdered form) to make tea. Others simply boil the leaves and take the water. The tree, especially the bark, is widely used in traditional medicine in Africa. The bark is analgesic and stomachic.

Do hog plums have thorns?

Hog Plum is a native plant in Florida found in scrub land or other dry areas. In Hundred Acre Hollows, the Hog Plums are on the tops of the berms. They can reach 10 feet tall, but the ones here are about 2 ½ to 3 feet tall now. They are thorny and are important to people and animals.

How do you use a hog plum?

The flowers are used as a heart tonic, for mouth sores, sore throat and laryngitis, eye infections and cataracts. The root is used for vaginal infections, tuberculosis and diarrhoea, and the fruit is used as a mild laxative and can also induce vomiting. In terms of usage, the plums can be picked, washed and eaten.

Is Ewe Akoko good for pregnant woman?

A decoction of the leaves is used to treat ophthalmia, conjunctivitis. The leaves are cooked in palm-oil soup and taken by pregnant women to effect easy delivery and after parturition, to promote a rich milk supply.


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