What is Java TransformerFactory?

What is Java TransformerFactory?

A TransformerFactory is used to create Transformer objects that perform document transformations, and can also be used to process transformation instructions (such as XSLT stylesheets) into compiled Templates objects. Obtain a TransformerFactory instance by calling the static newInstance( ) method.

Is TransformerFactory thread safe?

A TransformerFactory instance can be used to create Transformer and Templates objects. An implementation of the TransformerFactory class is NOT guaranteed to be thread safe. It is up to the user application to make sure about the use of the TransformerFactory from more than one thread.

What is javax XML transform TransformerFactory?

A TransformerFactory instance can be used to create Transformer and Templates objects. The system property that determines which Factory implementation to create is named “javax. xml. transform.

What is StreamResult in Java?

setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, “yes”); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(statusFile, false), “UTF-8”)); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer); xmlTransformer.

How create DOM file in Java?

Create an new Document, using newDocument() API method of DocumentBuilder. Create the root element node of the Document, using createElement(String tagName) API method of Document, with the given tagname set to “root” and append it in the Document with appendChild(Node newChild) API method of Document.

What does XMLConstants Feature_secure_processing do?

javax. xml. XMLConstants#FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING is a required feature for XML processors including DOM, SAX, Schema Validation, XSLT and XPath. When it is false, it instructs the implementation to process XML without restrictions.

What is javax XML Transform?

Package javax. xml. transform. An object that implements this interface contains the information needed to act as source input (XML source or transformation instructions).

What is StreamResult and how it works?

public class StreamResult extends Object implements Result. Acts as an holder for a transformation result, which may be XML, plain Text, HTML, or some other form of markup.

What is StringWriter?

public class StringWriter extends Writer. A character stream that collects its output in a string buffer, which can then be used to construct a string. Closing a StringWriter has no effect. The methods in this class can be called after the stream has been closed without generating an IOException.

How do you make a dom?

To create a DOM element, you use the createElement() method.

  1. const element = document.createElement(htmlTag);
  2. const e = document.createElement(‘div’);
  3. e.innerHTML = ‘JavaScript DOM’;
  4. document.body.appendChild(e);
  5. var textnode = document.createTextNode(‘JavaScript DOM’); e.appendChild(textnode);

What is Feature_secure_processing?

FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING. public static final String FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING. Feature for secure processing. true instructs the implementation to process XML securely. This may set limits on XML constructs to avoid conditions such as denial of service attacks.

How to create a transformer from a source in Java?

Obtain a new instance of a TransformerFactory. Obtain a new instance of a TransformerFactory from factory class name. Process the Source into a Templates object, which is a a compiled representation of the source. Create a new Transformer that performs a copy of the Source to the Result. Process the Source into a Transformer Object.

How to get the transformer factory implementation class?

The javadoc for TransformerFactory says: It uses the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the TransformerFactory implementation class to load: Use the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory system property. Use the properties file “lib/jaxp.properties” in the JRE directory.

What is transformerfactoryconfigurationerror and how to resolve it?

TransformerFactoryConfigurationError – Thrown in case of service configuration error or if the implementation is not available or cannot be instantiated. Obtain a new instance of a TransformerFactory from factory class name. This function is useful when there are multiple providers in the classpath.

How do I debug a transformer factory?

Once an application has obtained a reference to a TransformerFactory it can use the factory to configure and obtain transformer instances. Setting the jaxp.debug system property will cause this method to print a lot of debug messages to System.err about what it is doing and where it is looking at.


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