What is Kaspi (KSPI)?

What is Kaspi (KSPI)?

It’s called Kaspi.kz (KSPI). They listed on the London Stock Exchange on Thursday. It was, being considered a tech company now and not just a bank, totally oversubscribed. Kaspi brought in over $1 billion.

Is Kaspi listed on the London Stock Exchange?

They listed on the London Stock Exchange on Thursday. It was, being considered a tech company now and not just a bank, totally oversubscribed. Kaspi brought in over $1 billion. The stock opened at $38 per share and traded as high as $46.90 with volume of more than 4.4 million shares.

How much money did the Kaspi IPO bring in?

Kaspi brought in over $1 billion. The stock opened at $38 per share and traded as high as $46.90 with volume of more than 4.4 million shares. That’s more than Russia’s Yandex trading volume, which averages 3.8 million per day. The IPO gives Kaspi a market cap of $6.5 billion as of today.

Did you know Kazakhstan has a fintech company like Kaspi?

October 15, 2020. You didn’t know Kazakhstan, a basically landlocked country (it borders the Caspian Sea, which is landlocked), in the middle of Central Asia had a fintech company like this one. But they do. It’s called Kaspi.kz (KSPI).


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