What is meaning take away from?

What is meaning take away from?

Definition of take away from (something) : to reduce the value or importance of (something) The ugly door takes away from the beauty of the house.

What was your takeaway meaning?

The take-away is the main point of something, like a lesson or presentation, to learn and remember. An example of the take away is when your boss gives a 20 minute lecture but at the end says “so, basically just remember if you are late you are fired.”

How do you write take away?

More Tips for Writing Takeaways

  1. Use Strong Verbs.
  2. Consider Both Internal and External Actions.
  3. Avoid “Yes” or “No” Takeaways.
  4. Use the Most Appropriate Format.
  5. Use the Most Appropriate Point of View.
  6. Use the Most Appropriate Length.

Does take away have a hyphen?

Most of the Oxford English Dictionary’s entries for the adjective and noun “take-away” (which it hyphenates) have to do with the kind of food that Americans call “takeout” (a term that’s been in use in the US since the early 1940s).

What is another way to say take away?

Find another word for take away. In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take away, like: carry off, remove, detract, deduct, take from, , take out, bear-away, get-rid-of, withdraw and bring.

What is a take away sentence?

I can’t take away the weakness you feel, but your body is healed. He sends soldiers among us to take away our liberty. Sandwiches are also available to take away so you can enjoy the festival without getting hunger pangs. …

Is it takeaways or take aways?

Take away is a common phrasal verb that’s used in a lot of contexts, and takeaway as a noun has a lot of different meanings. It’s sometimes spelled take-away. In the U.K., takeaway is the word for what Americans call takeout—food picked up from a restaurant to eat elsewhere, typically at home.

What is another word for takeaway?

synonyms for takeaway

  • outcome.
  • result.
  • upshot.
  • consequence.
  • gist.
  • meat.
  • payoff.
  • sense.

Is it take out or take away?

As adjectives the difference between takeout and takeaway is that takeout is intended to be eaten off the premises while takeaway is (chiefly|uk|australia|and|new zealand|of food) to be eaten off the premises.

What means to take away or remove?

Definitions of take away. verb. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract. synonyms: remove, take, withdraw.

What is the opposite of take away?

What is the opposite of take away?

add enlarge
refuse reject
strengthen tack on
add to give

What is another word for take away?

What is take Away Show?

An impromptu concert performed usually while walking down a street. Usually performed in France, always performed by an indie band. If it’s a true take away show, it will involve some obscure instruments. Did you see the Bowerbirds’ Take Away Show on youtube?

Can I use bigger Takeaway or bigger takeaway in a sentence?

Yes, you can use those as well. Yes, you can use those as well. @jimpjorps: Thank you! Can I say the bigger takeaway or the takeaway to describe learn something? @jimpjorps: Thank you! Can I say the bigger takeaway or the takeaway to describe learn something? Yes, you can use those as well. Yes, you can use those as well. [News] Hey you!

What is the meaning of takeaway in English?

English Language Learners Definition of takeaway. sports : an act of taking the ball or puck from a player on the other team. See the full definition for takeaway in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the meaning of take away from this meeting?

As a noun, the phrase is usually hyphenated or spelled as one word. I think the takeaway from this meeting is that we desperately need to improve efficiency. 6. noun Food from a restaurant that is picked up and taken home or somewhere else to be eaten. As a noun, the phrase is usually hyphenated or spelled as one word.


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