What is medium frequency current?

What is medium frequency current?

MEDIUM-FREQUENCY alternating currents (MFACs), defined as currents in the frequency range 1 to 10kHz, are used extensively in rehabilitation.

What does IFC mean in physical therapy?

Interferential current therapy (ICT, or sometimes IFC) is the most common type of electrical muscle stimulation used to treat chronic pain resulting from surgery, injury or trauma. The end goal for using ICT as part of a physical therapy or rehab program is to relieve pain and help patients heal faster.

What is the difference between IFC and tens?

How Does IFC Differ From TENS? TENS delivers low-frequency current across the surface of the skin, while IFC delivers a higher frequency current that penetrates deeper into the tissue with less discomfort.

What are the frequency range of IFT?

The most effective motor nerve stimulation range with IFT appears to lie between approximately 10 and 20, maybe 10 and 25Hz.

What is medium band?

Medium is an American rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota composed of Bryan McDonald (guitar/vocals), Justin Mishler (bass), Erik McKnight (drums), and Daniel Lange (Keyboards). …

Is IFC alternating current?

Interferential current therapy (IFC) is based on summation of 2 alternating current signals of slightly different frequency. The resultant current consists of a cyclical modulation of amplitude, based on the difference in frequency between the 2 signals.

What is carrier frequency in IFC?

Conclusions: IFC with a carrier frequency of 1kHz promotes a higher hypoalgesic response during and after stimulation than IFC with carrier frequencies of 8kHz and 10kHz. Carrier frequencies of 1kHz and 2kHz are perceived as more uncomfortable than carrier frequencies of 4kHz, 8kHz, and 10kHz.

What is the difference between IFT and TENS?

Whereas TENS Units delivers periodic electric pulses to stimulate surface nerves and block the pain signal, IFT Physiotherapy Equipment transmits a continuous stimulation deep into the affected tissue thereby blocking the pain signals and reducing swelling and inflammation which causes pain.

What is the difference between NMES and TENS?

As another example, TENS units are typically used for pain relief, while NMES units are used to retrain muscles after an injury, even though both TENS and NMES use similar stimulation waveforms.

Which current is used in IFT?

Interferential current Increases the circulation of blood thus reduces swelling, by washing away the chemicals that stimulate the nociceptive nerve endings. The frequency between 1 and 100 Hz is used to contract the normal innervated muscles.

What is difference between IFT and tens?

What is a medium frequency current?

Medium frequency currents are the currents which has a frequency falling between the range of 1000 to 10000Hz (1 kilohertz to 100 kilohertz) INTERFERENTIAL CURRENT It is the application of alternating medium frequency currents to produce a low frequency effect for therapeutic purpose.

What is MF in the electromagnetic spectrum?

MF’s position in the electromagnetic spectrum. Medium frequency ( MF) is the ITU designation for radio frequencies (RF) in the range of 300 kilohertz (kHz) to 3 megahertz (MHz). Part of this band is the medium wave (MW) AM broadcast band.

What is low-frequency (LF) interference current?

The analgesic effects low‑frequency (LF) current in the tissues. This is to the tissues, to generate LF interference current. treatment for various types of acute and chronic pain.

What is the application of alternating medium frequency stimulation?

It is the application of alternating medium frequency currents to produce a low frequency effect for therapeutic purpose. Low frequency stimulators have the problem of skin resistance and produce skin irritation (pain). High frequency will not stimulate nerve because their pulse duration is less than 0.01msec., having thermal effect.

What is Gildemeister effect?

This phenomenon, later called the “Gildemeister Effect,” occurs because, with each successive pulse in the AC wave-train, the nerve fiber membrane is pushed closer to threshold. Membrane threshold is reached when successive pulses result in sufficient depolarization to produce an action potential.

What is the frequency of Russian current?

2.5 kHz
Russian currents are alternating currents (AC) at a frequency of 2.5 kHz that are burst modulated at a frequency of 50 Hz with a 50% duty cycle.

What is low frequency current?

Low Frequency Current. Traceability of thermal current converters covering the current range from 1 mA to 20 A has been established to the primary standard of LF current in the frequency range 10 Hz to 10 kHz (Bank of multijunction thermal converter, uncertainty + 20 ppm at 5mA).

What Rebox current?

Rebox is a generator of specific DC electric pulses. Rebox microcurrents are introduced into the treated area non-invasively through a patient´s skin with a touch of a small point treatment electrode while the patient holds a second cylindrical electrode to complete electric circuit.

Is alternating current biphasic?

Alternating Current (AC) – Biphasic Uninterrupted, bidirectional flow of ions; direction changes at least once per second.

What is biphasic electrical stimulation?

“Biphasic” refers to two phases, or pulses, of 2 different intensities alternating with each other during treatment.

What are high frequency currents?

an alternating electric current having a frequency of 10,000 or more cycles per second; it produces no muscular contractions and does not affect the sensory nerves.

Is Rebox current medium frequency?

Medium frequency currents are the currents whose frequency falls between the range of 1000 to 10,000 Hz. They are being used therapeutically due to their advantage of greater penetration and with a higher tolerance and comfort over the low frequency current. Rebox–type currents are derived from a device called Rebox.

What is Russian electrical stimulation?

Russian stimulation is a form of high-frequency electrical wave stimulation that uses electricity to contract muscle tissue. After injury or surgery, you may be experiencing muscle weakness. Russian stimulation is used to help improve the contraction of your muscles.

What is Ka band frequency?

Ka band

Frequency range 27–40 GHz
Wavelength range 11.1–7.5 mm
Related bands K (NATO) SHF (ITU)


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