What is Meleagrisphobia?

What is Meleagrisphobia?

Meleagrisphobia refers to a fear of turkeys.

What is it called when you are afraid of turkeys?

Meleagrisphobia is called this way because meleagris means turkey and phobia means ‘the fear of’ ”There is usually only one way to get this phobia. It is called so because meleagris means turkey and phobia meaning an extreme or irrational fear, making it an extreme fear of turkeys.

What is Heortophobia?

Heortophobia, from the Greek “herote,” meaning holiday, is an irrational fear of holidays.

What is a fear of Christmas called?

Christougenniatikophobia is the fear of Christmas, a branch of heortophobia (fear of your mum). This phobia usually begins during early childhood, like from bad events associated with Christmas.

What is the fear of chickens called?

Alektorophobia is the specific term for phobia to hen/chickens.

What is the name for the fear of long words?

The Root of the Name for the Fear of Long Words Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is probably taken from the root word sesquipedalian, which means “long word.” Therefore, sesquipedalophobia is technically more correct.

Do I have ornithophobia?

Symptoms of Fear of Birds People with a fear of birds experience physical symptoms when birds are nearby. Some have a reaction to just thinking about birds. Similar to other types of phobia symptoms, common symptoms of ornithophobia include: Nausea.

What is the fear of the Easter Bunny called?

Leporiphobia is the fear of rabbits.

Is there a phobia of Santa?

But for a select few, this most exciting time of the year comes with a catch: Santaphobia – the fear of Santa Claus.

What is the fear of Spongebob?

The fear of “Spongbophobia is the fear of Spongebob and Sponges, This is likley due to holes in Sponges which is a common reason of why some mught be scared by the object, it can symbolize colors like yellow or green in which some people might think, it stands for something bad for other contries.


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