What is Melgain used for?

What is Melgain used for?

Melgain Lotion is a medicine for the treatment of vitiligo. It is effectively used in combination with other treatment methods for the best result. It lightens the skin by increasing the elimination of melanin (skin-darkening pigment) from skin cells.

How effective is Melgain?

A: There is no complete cure for vitiligo. However, the patches may disappear on their own or the patches may get re-pigmented. Treatment with Melgain Lotion 5ml along with other therapies has shown to be 80-90% effective when compared with other therapies alone.

How do you use melbild solution?

Clean and dry the affected area thoroughly and then apply the lotion as a very thin film. For best results, apply it about 2 hours before retiring at night. Do not touch the treated patches for about an hour. Next morning, expose the patches to bright sunlight for 10-15 minutes.

What is DECA peptide?

Deca Peptide is a repigmenting agent. It works by causing migration of skin cells (melanocytes) from the area of skin surrounding the vitiligo patch. This in turn causes the production of melanin (skin darkening pigment) and restores the skin colour.

What is tacrolimus ointment used for?

Tacrolimus topical is used on the skin to treat moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in patients who have received other medicines that have not worked well. Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition where there is itching, redness, and inflammation, much like an allergic reaction.

What is Picon cream used for?

Picon Cream 10 gm is used to treat swelling, itching redness, heat, and pain caused due to skin problems such as eczema or atopic dermatitis (itchy, cracked, swollen or rough skin). Picon Cream 10 gm is available in the form of topical (skin use) cream.

Is vitiligo permanent?

Treating vitiligo The white patches caused by vitiligo are usually permanent, although treatment options are available to reduce their appearance. If the patches are relatively small, skin camouflage cream can be used to cover them up. If steroid creams do not work, phototherapy (treatment with light) may be used.

What is the steroid Deca good for?

It belongs to a group of medicines known as anabolic steroids. These medicines help to rebuild tissues that have become weak because of continuing illness or serious injury. Deca-Durabolin can be used to increase lean body mass in the case of negative nitrogen balance.

Is tacrolimus ointment supposed to burn?

Tacrolimus ointment is an effective and safe treatment for moderate and severe atopic dermatitis (AD). The most common adverse event related to topical tacrolimus treatment is skin burning, which during the first week occurs in about every second adult and every third pediatric patient.

Should I burn tacrolimus?

The burning sensation after application of tacrolimus ointment lasts for approximately 15–20 min, for the first few days of treatment. In general, the burning sensation, pruritus and erythema resolve within one week of initiating topical tacrolimus and occur more frequently in adults than in children.

How do you use Picon?

Apply a thin layer of Picon Cream to the affected skin. Gently and thoroughly massage it into the skin. Be careful not to get the medication in your eyes or mouth. If Picon Cream gets in your eyes accidentally, wash with plenty of water and call your doctor if your eyes are irritated.

How does tacrolimus ointment work?

Tacrolimus Uses: It works by weakening your body’s immune system to help the body accept the new organ. This type of tacrolimus is applied to the skin to treat eczema (atopic dermatitis) in patients who have not reacted well to other eczema drugs (or do not use them).

What is the use of melgain lotion?

MELGAIN LOTION contains Decapeptide which is used to treat vitiligo. It helps to restore the color to dipigmented or white areas of skin. Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by hyperpigmentation (excessive lightening or whitening of the skin) with uneven white patches appear on the skin leaving a clearly noticeable uneven colour.

How do I use melmelgain?

Melgain is presented in a glass bottle with Gufic roller (Separately packed in a pouch). 2. Gently open out the ‘teflon plug’ the comes along with the bottle. 3. Hold the bottle firmly and replace the plug with the roll on provided in the pouch(placed inside the cartoon).

How effective is melgain for vitiligo?

Melgain is effective alone or in combination with other modules of treatment . No contraindications or side effects have been reported. The local application of melgain on punch grafted vitiligo patches also accelerates re-pigmentation many fold.

How do I choose the best ointment for Burns?

Some doctors may recommend applying only a mild ointment to burns, while others may recommend a broader range of burn cream products. Over-the-counter ointments may provide some relief to minor first-degree burns. Doctors may recommend applying an ointment like Aloe vera or petroleum jelly to provide some pain relief and to keep the wound moist.


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