What is MenuInflater class in Android?

What is MenuInflater class in Android?

android.view.MenuInflater. This class is used to instantiate menu XML files into Menu objects. For performance reasons, menu inflation relies heavily on pre-processing of XML files that is done at build time.

What is showAsAction?

android:showAsAction Keyword. When and how this item should appear as an action item in the app bar. A menu item can appear as an action item only when the activity includes an app bar.

What is getMenuInflater inflate R menu main menu?

In Android 3 and later, options menu is shown in action bar. Menu item can be search, save, print, delete, bookmark etc. To create menu we have to override onCreateOptionsMenu, in which we use getMenuInflater(). inflate that inflates a menu hierarchy from XML resource.

What is Android Inflater?

LayoutInflater is a class used to instantiate layout XML file into its corresponding view objects which can be used in Java programs. In simple terms, there are two ways to create UI in android. One is a static way and another is dynamic or programmatically.

What is Android Action Bar?

The ActionBar, now known as the App Bar, is a consistent navigation element that is standard throughout modern Android applications. The ActionBar can consist of: An application icon. An “upward” navigation to logical parent. An application or activity-specific title.

What is the ActionBar Android?

The app bar, also known as the action bar, is one of the most important design elements in your app’s activities, because it provides a visual structure and interactive elements that are familiar to users. A dedicated space for giving your app an identity and indicating the user’s location in the app.

What is Android checkableBehavior?

The android:checkableBehavior attribute accepts either: single. Only one item from the group can be checked (radio buttons) all. All items can be checked (checkboxes)

In which folder would you find the file r menu Main?

Your app is looking for a file called main. xml located in the folder src/main/res/menu/ . This file is used to create the buttons inside the top ActionBar.

How do I show the pop up menu on Android?

Go to app > res > right-click > New > Android Resource Directory and give Directory name and Resource type as menu. Now, we will create a popup_menu file inside that menu resource directory. Go to app > res > menu > right-click > New > Menu Resource File and create a menu resource file and name it as popup_menu.

What is invalidateOptionsMenu in Android?

invalidateOptionsMenu() is used to say Android, that contents of menu have changed, and menu should be redrawn. For example, you click a button which adds another menu item at runtime, or hides menu items group. In this case you should call invalidateOptionsMenu() , so that the system could redraw it on UI.

What is a menuinflater in Android?

The MenuInflater is an Android system resource. It is created when the android boots up. It is a persistent object and the reference to it is always available in memory. .getMenuInflater () from outside the class. If it does exist in memory , it returns the object.

How does the oncreateoptionmenu() function work?

The onCreateOptionMenu (Menu) is called when the menu button of the device is pressed, or either Activity.openOptionsMenu () is called. The actual rendering of the menu is handled by the activity. Just before it is shown, the Activity passes to you the menu so that you can fill it with your own items, then shows it.

Does the menuinflator use the context of an activity?

They are very similar. Looking through the MenuInflator’s source, the only thing it uses the context for is to access the resource files. So the specific context doesn’t matter to the MenuInflator. Unless you pass the MenuInflator (or Menu) to another class then it is contained in the activity and won’t be leaked.


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