What is minimum liquid discharge?

What is minimum liquid discharge?

Minimum liquid discharge is the process by which a system recycles treated water or wastewater within its own system to limit how much is discharged into the environment.

How do you get zero liquid discharge?

Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) is a strategic wastewater management system that ensures that there will be no discharge of industrial wastewater into the environment. It is achieved by treating wastewater through recycling and then recovery and reuse for industrial purpose.

What is a brine concentrator?

The AMBC (‘All Membrane Brine Concentrator’) is Modern Water’s cost-effective and proven technology for brine concentration. The AMBC is an innovative solution which significantly reduces waste water treatment requirements and maximises clean water reuse, by concentrating brine streams up to, and beyond, 160,000 mg/l.

What do you mean by zero discharge?

The principle of “zero discharge” is recycling of all industrial wastewater. This means that wastewater will be treated and used again in the process. Because of the water reuse wastewater will not be released on the sewer system or surface water.

What is full form of MLD in water treatment?

Minimal Liquid Discharge – MLD.

What is MLD unit?

The volume unit MLD translates to millions of liter per day or megaliters per day.

What is Zld in wastewater treatment?

Zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) is a water treatment process in which all wastewater is purified and recycled; therefore, leaving zero discharge at the end of the treatment cycle.

Why is Zld important?

Due to heavy contamination of numerous important rivers by industrial wastewater, both countries have created regulations that require zero liquid discharge. They identified that the best means to ensure safe water supplies for the future is to protect rivers and lakes from pollution.

How do you measure brine concentration?

To gauge the strength of a Brine solution, a this Brinometer hydrometer can be used to measure the percentage of saturated solution of brine in water at 15.6°C (60°F). By floating the tester in a brine solution you can easily and clearly read off salinity 0-100%.

What is MLD sewage treatment plant?

So more and more end users, in order to improve their water footprint, are adopting a minimal liquid discharge (MLD) approach to the wastewater treatment problem by using dependable filtration-based technologies that can achieve high water recovery at a fraction of ZLD’s costs.

What does MLD mean?


Acronym Definition
MLD Mild Learning Disability
MLD Main Line of Defense
MLD Mean Level Detector
MLD Millions of Liters Per Day (municipal water supply systems)


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