What is Mirai Nikki Redial data IKOU?

What is Mirai Nikki Redial data IKOU?

Mirai Nikki: Redial (未来日記リダイヤル, Future Diary Redial) is a manga and OVA that acts as a conclusion to the Future Diary series. It includes a new Future Diary manga volume and an original anime DVD, with the latter running at about 25 minutes long.

Do I need to watch Mirai Nikki Redial?

Despite having way more casual content than it should, Mirai Nikki Redial makes up for it with substance in the second half. So, if you have just finished watching the prequel, definitely do give this one a go, especially if you are a fan of the prequel!

Is Mirai Nikki disturbing?

It’s not graphic, but extremely disturbing. A character in charge of a cult tells her followers to rape a girl. The girl’s clothes are ripped off except for her underwear, but another character runs and and stops them before they can do anything else.

How many episodes is Mirai Nikki Redial?

A 26-episode anime television series produced by Asread, aired in Japan between October 2011 and April 2012. Funimation has licensed the anime for distribution in North America.

What’s the meaning of OVA in anime?

Original video animation
Original video animation (Japanese: オリジナル・ビデオ・アニメーション, Hepburn: orijinaru bideo animēshon), abbreviated as OVA and sometimes as OAV (original animation video), are Japanese animated films and series made specially for release in home video formats without prior showings on television or in theaters, though the first …

Is there an OVA for Mirai Nikki?

Future Diary (未来日記, Mirai Nikki) is a Japanese anime series based on the manga series of the same name by Sakae Esuno. An original video animation (OVA) based on the spin-off manga, Future Diary: Redial, was streamed on Niconico on June 19, 2013, and released on DVD with the manga volume in July 2013.

Who survives in future diary?

There are seven diary holders and two unofficial players. Yuno Furusaki won the survival game.

Is there a future diary Season 2?

Its up to you on how you think of it though. Getting back on topic though a definite answer of a second season is no. Its almost been 9 years since they last made anything about future diary and that ending is a complete ending.

Does the future diary have a happy ending?

This leads tragically to the show’s ending where he is the only thing that exists in an empty universe although his actions rippled into the third timeline and gave everybody (His third timeline counterpart included) a happy ending. The show has an open ending that perhaps Yuno finds her way back to him.

Is Yuno bad future diary?

Yuno Gasai Is deranged, psychotic, and misanthropic person. It is later revealed that her insane and psychotic self was a result of horrific and unpropitious circumstances in her life, with her lack of father and evil mother being the main cause.

What is Mirai Nikki redial?

Mirai Nikki: Redial (未来日記リダイヤル, Future Diary Redial) is a manga and OVA that acts as a conclusion to the Future Diary series. It was first announced in a 2012 advertisement and the first chapter was released in early April 2013. It includes a new Future Diary manga volume and an original anime DVD, with the latter running at about 25 minutes long.

Is there a Future Diary Redial manga?

Future Diary Redial is a manga and OVA that acts as a conclusion to the Future Diary series. It was first announced in a 2012 advertisement and the first chapter was released in early April 2013. It includes a new Future Diary manga volume and an original anime DVD, with the latter running at about 25 minutes long.

When did redial come out?

It was first announced in a 2012 advertisement and the first chapter was released in early April 2013. It includes a new Future Diary manga volume and an original anime DVD, with the latter running at about 25 minutes long. Redial follows the Yuno Gasai of the Third World, who is far happier and more stable than her First World counterpart.

What is redredial about?

Redial follows the Yuno Gasai of the Third World, who is far happier and more stable than her First World counterpart. Thanks to the Second World’s Yukiteru Amano, the Gasai family was able to mend its dysfunctions, allowing Yuno to live a normal life.


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