What is Moonspawn?

What is Moonspawn?

Moon’s Spawn (also known as the Tiste Andii’s Fang of Darkness) was a floating fortress, or skykeep, with a city inside commandeered by the Tiste Andii. According to Anomander Rake, the city was home to children, priests, and three very bookish warlocks.

How many Bridgeburners died at Pale?

During the assault, all five of the tunnels carved under the city by the Bridgeburners collapsed killing almost 1,400 soldiers.

What happened to Tayschrenn?

During the events of the Gedderone FĂȘte in Darujhistan, Lorn released one of Tayschrenn’s demons, the Lord of Galayn, against Anomander Rake. When Rake killed the creature, Tayschrenn let out a scream in Pale and fell into a coma.

Who killed Whiskeyjack?

Whiskeyjack defended the Bonecaster, but in the ensuing duel the leg wound from Darujhistan, which Mallet had offered to heal time and again, caused Whiskeyjack’s leg to buckle, giving Kallor the opportunity to kill him. Korlat and Whiskeyjack’s eyes met as he died.

What happened to the crippled god?

After the battle ended, Kaminsod gave up his chains in order to bind the Otataral Dragon, saving magic and stopping the Eleint from running loose in the Malazan world. He was subsequently stabbed in the back by Cotillion.

Who is Nightchill?

Nightchill was a High Mage of the Malazan Empire. She was raven haired, tall, and imperious. Her face was “broad and flat, the eyes strangely far apart, the lips thick and downturned”. Despite her unassuming physical appearance, she was inhumanly strong.

What happened Kallor malazan?

Kallor was himself seriously wounded by Whiskeyjack’s bodyguards and the sorcery of Artanthos before crying out for help and disappearing into the Warren of the Crippled God.

How did Dujek lose his arm?

During one battle, a young Bult severely injured Duiker with his lance. Dujek responded by attacking the Wickan with his sword, giving him a cut to the face that caused a disfiguring scar. Bult’s horse in turn bit Dujek’s arm causing him to lose that arm to the surgeons.

What happens to Karsa Orlong?

During the attack on this town, Delum Thord and Havok were killed and Bairoth Gild and Karsa were both captured. Bairoth was slain and Karsa was soon after delivered into the hands of Silgar, a priest and slaver.

Who is the villain in malazan?

The Crippled God
The Crippled God, the Chained One, The Shattered God, Fallen God, or Fallen One, was a majorly disfigured Ascendant who frequently came into conflict with the other gods and goddesses of the world. He could be considered the main antagonist of the Malazan Book of the Fallen.

Who is Draconus malazan?

Draconus was an Elder God, and the one who forged the sword Dragnipur. In his first appearances he was described as a big man dressed in rags with his face veiled by a cowl. Draconus had been slain and imprisoned within his own sword by Anomander Rake. He had two daughters, Envy and Spite.

Who is Shadowthrone?

Ammanas was known to be crafty and unpredictable, and worked with his partner Cotillion in most matters. Many of the pivotal events throughout the series were the result of his web of schemes. Also known as Shadowthrone or ‘Lord of Shadow’, he mostly walked with a cane described as having a silver gleaming head.



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