What is motia in eyes?

What is motia in eyes?

Cataract, or Safed Motia, is a clouding of the natural lens. The most common cause of cataract is age. Initial symptoms of cataract include a reduction in vision, glare at night, difficulty in reading and in recognizing people.

What is Chitta motia in English?

Yet, over 4000 years ago, our ancestors had crude techniques to improve the sight of people suffering from chitta motia (the modern Urdu word for cataracts, literally translated as “white blindness”).

What is Kala Motia called in English?

Glaucoma or ‘Kala Motia’ is a condition wherein an increased intraocular pressure damages the optic nerve, thereby affecting vision.

What is the treatment of Kala Motia?

Glaucoma (kala motia) cannot be reversed, but further damage can be stopped. Only in some cases like children, early intervention may sometimes reverse the damage and restore an improved visual field or optic nerve function.

What are the causes of Motiyabind?

Factors that increase your risk of cataracts include:

  • Increasing age.
  • Diabetes.
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight.
  • Smoking.
  • Obesity.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Previous eye injury or inflammation.
  • Previous eye surgery.

How can you cure cataracts without surgery?

There is no way to cure or get rid of cataracts once they’ve formed besides cataract surgery. No medication can eliminate existing cataracts, and no eyewear can completely counteract their effects. Some ophthalmologists are seeking nonsurgical solutions, but at this time, no other solution has been found.

What is Kala Pani in eyes?

Glaucoma also known as Kala motia, Kanchbind or Kala pani –Is an disease affecting people above the age of 40yr . Intra ocular pressure or IOP increases . It is often confused with cataract and thus neglected.

Can glaucoma go away?

The damage caused by glaucoma can’t be reversed. But treatment and regular checkups can help slow or prevent vision loss, especially if you catch the disease in its early stages. Glaucoma is treated by lowering your eye pressure (intraocular pressure).

Which treatment is best for glaucoma?

Laser Surgery: Laser surgery can be an effective option for glaucoma treatment. Trabeculoplasty is laser treatment to enhance the eye drainage function to control eye pressure within the eye when treating open-angle glaucoma.

What is Kala Motia (glaucoma)?

Glaucoma, otherwise known as Kala Motia is an eye disease in which there is an increase in pressure inside the eye. Just as some people have high blood pressure, in the same way, a glaucoma patient has high eye pressure.

What are the symptoms of Safed Motia?

It occurs with the age and starts after 5th decade of life.The symptoms of Safed Motia can vary according to the area of the lens involved and the blurring is early and more pronounced when central part is opacified as compared to the peripheral part of the lens.

Does Kala Motia always cause pain?

The more common notion that ‘Kala Motia’ is accompanied by pain is at times seen in the “Acute” variety of this variant. This type of glaucoma is more common in people needing plus numbered glasses for distance also (hypermetropia). It is also frequently symptomless in initial stages.



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