What is NLPHL?

What is NLPHL?

Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) is a rare type of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) that tends to grow more slowly than classic HL (cHL). It’s often treated differently. For people with early-stage NLPHL without any B symptoms, involved site radiation therapy (ISRT) is often all that’s needed.

What is the best screening marker for lymphoma?

The most important serological markers reflect the tumor load (beta-2 microglobulin, beta 2-M), proliferative activity (lactic dehydrogenase, LDH), and invasive potential of lymphomas (CA 125). LDH and beta 2-M are included as important prognostic parameters in widely used staging systems.

What are L&H cells?

L&H cells are also known as “popcorn” cells since they usually have one multilobated or extremely folded (like popcorn) nucleus with vesicular chromatin, a thin nuclear membrane, and scant cytoplasm. The nucleoli of L&H cells are usually multiple, basophilic, and smaller than those seen in classic HRS cells.

What is immunohistochemistry in lymphoma?

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) with various antibodies identifies the specific lineage and developmental stage of the lymphoma.

Is Nlphl curable?

Although NLPHL can come back (relapse), treatment is often successful and patients can be cured or have another long remission.

Can a spinal tap diagnose lymphoma?

Spinal tap (lumbar puncture) A spinal tap can help find out if the lymphoma has spread to your spinal cord or brain. This test is not needed for most people with lymphoma. But it may be used with certain types of lymphoma.

What is an immunohistochemistry test?

IHC, or ImmunoHistoChemistry, is a special staining process performed on fresh or frozen breast cancer tissue removed during biopsy. IHC is used to show whether or not the cancer cells have HER2 receptors and/or hormone receptors on their surface. This information plays a critical role in treatment planning.

How fast does Nlphl grow?

In one study of 95 patients, NLPHL transformed in around 1 in 6 people. In another study, it transformed in around 1 in 12 people.


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