What is NSW Health StaffLink?

What is NSW Health StaffLink?

StaffLink is the consolidated Oracle IT systems that facilitates the delivery of the following functions for NSW Health: Human Resource & Payroll. Financials & Procurement. Identity & Access Management.

How do I find my StaffLink number?

How do I find my StaffLink ID if I have forgotten it? If you have a StaffLink ID, it will be displayed on your ClinConnect Profile. Contact your Education Provider to obtain your StaffLink ID. If you are on placement, your student supervisor should also be able to see your StaffLink ID in ClinConnect.

How do I contact NSW Health payroll?

For all Local Health District (LHD) payroll enquiries please call 1300 679 367 and for LHD Finance or Procurement and Logistics enquiries please call 1300 883 965. For all Service Centre Westmead Escalation enquiries, please refer to our Escalation Contact List.

What is a Statement of Service NSW Health?

Statements of Service are a central component of the NSW Health Performance Framework, which documents how the Ministry monitors and assesses the performance of public sector health services to achieve expected service levels, financial performance, governance and other requirements.

What is the StaffLink ID?

A StaffLink ID is a NSW Health employee number. You will use your StaffLink ID to access NSW Health Online Applications such as My Health Learning to complete eLearning modules. You will use the same StaffLink ID for all of your placements in NSW Health.

What is my NSW Health Username?

Your employee number is your username.

What is HealthShare AU?

HealthShare NSW is a statewide organisation established to provide high-quality shared services to support the delivery of patient care within the NSW Health system. Our successful and sustainable business solutions ensure ongoing improvement, increasing levels of efficiency and greater savings for NSW Health.

What is staff link?

A StaffLink ID is a NSW Health employee number. Students due to commence a placement in NSW Health will receive a StaffLink ID and password. You will use your StaffLink ID to access NSW Health Online Applications such as My Health Learning to complete eLearning modules.

How do you write a statement of service?

What is a Statement of Service?

  1. Be signed and dated by your employer.
  2. Be on the employer’s official stationery/letterhead.
  3. Include contact details of the referee/person completing the statement.
  4. Confirm the position/job title and the main duties performed.

What is a statement of service letter?

A statement of service letter is an official document that verifies an individual’s employment status in the military. It’s one of the basic requirements for a VA loan.

How do I change my NSW Health password?

If you are already logged in, go to the Change password page in your account….How to change your password

  1. Go to Log in and enter your email.
  2. Select ‘I forgot my password’.
  3. Select ‘Reset my password’.
  4. Follow the prompts. You will be asked to create a strong new password. We’ll provide you with help on how to do this.


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