What is O Canada piano?
What is O Canada piano?
O Canada Piano Tutorial: Basics. O Canada is the official national anthem of Canada. The tune was created way back in 1880 in Quebec by Calixa Lavallée for the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day ceremony, originally titled “Chant national”. Calixa was a musician as well as being a lieutenant – musicians at the time generally had other jobs.
How do you tie notes in piano music?
In piano music, the individual notes must be struck, but there should be no audible spaces between them. Tie: A curved line that joins two or more notes of the same pitch. In piano music, notes connected by a tie are struck as one note, and are held for the total duration of all the tied notes.
What does the digit 0 mean in music notation?
See the discussion of such symbols on the Music Notation Project’s Wiki. Today, a diatonic numerical notation using the numbers 1-7 is widespread in China, where the system is known as jiǎnpǔ, literally “simplified notation” (see the jiǎnpǔ Wikipedia article ). The digit 0 represents a rest.
What is middle C on a piano?
The piano universe tends to revolve around the C note which you can identify as the white key found just to the left of a grouping of two black notes. A full-sized piano keyboard has eight C’s. The C closest to the center of the keyboard is called middle C. Learn to identify this note quickly.