What is Obelisco del Foro Italico?

What is Obelisco del Foro Italico?

Obelisco del Foro Italico is an obelisk, erected in front of the sports complex, Foro Italico. This review page is about the obelisk, not about tennis, as many reviews have done! The huge, marble monolithic stone was erected there in 1932, during the fascist dictatorship…

Where is the obelisk in Rome?

This is the only modern obelisk and stands in front of Foro Italico, the sports stadium. Erected by Mussolini, it was originally known as the Foro Mussolini. In a city with ancient obelisks, this is a modern one located in front of a sports stadium. The Obelisco del Foro Italico is an ode to fascism, a tribute to Mussolini.

What is the Foro Italico sports complex?

The Foro Italico sports complex is one of the few complete constructions from the Mussolini era to survive. The center piece is the Ponte Duca d’Aosta, he connect Foro Italico to the city side of the river and is headed by an obelisk in white marble with an inscripton “Mussolini Dux”, in 1930 s calligraphy; the obelisk…


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