What is OpenIOC?

What is OpenIOC?

OpenIOC is an open framework, meant for sharing threat intelligence information in a machine-readable format. It was developed by the American cybersecurity firm MANDIANT in November 2011.

What is Taxii and Stix?

STIX and TAXII are standards developed in an effort to improve the prevention and mitigation of cyber-attacks. STIX states the “what” of threat intelligence, while TAXII defines “how” that information is relayed. Unlike previous methods of sharing, STIX and TAXII are machine-readable and therefore easily automated.

What is Stix?

STIX (Structured Threat Information eXpression) is a standardized XML programming language for conveying data about cybersecurity threats in a common language that can be easily understood by humans and security technologies. Designed for broad use, there are several core use cases for STIX.

What is the Diamond Model of intrusion analysis?

The Diamond Model is an approach to conducting intelligence on network intrusion events. The model gets its name (and shape) from the four core interconnected elements that comprise any event – adversary, infrastructure, capability, and victim.

What is a Taxii client?

TAXII is a collection of specifications defining a set of services and message exchanges used for sharing cyber threat intelligence information between parties. CyTAXII acts as a TAXII client that can be installed as a Python [Pip] Library. It implements all TAXII services according to TAXII STIX 2.

What is a free and open transport mechanism that standardizes the automated eXchange of cyber threat information?

Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII™) is a free and open transport mechanism that standardizes the automated exchange of cyber threat information.

Which are services defined by Taxii?

Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII™) is an application protocol for exchanging CTI over HTTPS. ​TAXII defines a RESTful API (a set of services and message exchanges) and a set of requirements for TAXII Clients and Servers.

What format is Stix?

STIX provides expressive coverage of the full-spectrum of cyber threat informa- tion—observables, indicators, incidents, TTP, exploit targets, courses of action, threat actors and campaigns—to provide support for a broad set of cyber security defense use cases.

Why is Stix important?

STIX/TAXII-supported platforms enable the CISOs and security professionals to quickly digest, assess, analyze, and respond to numerous threat intelligence feeds, without worrying about different intelligence languages or transport methods.

What is Diamond model used for?

The Porter Diamond model explains the factors that can drive competitive advantage for one national market or economy over another. It can be used both to describe the sources of a nation’s competitive advantage and the path to obtaining such an advantage.

What is the threat diamond?

In the threat intelligence domain, the diamond model of intrusion analysis empowers security analysts to efficiently act upon heaps of incoming data and build definite relationships between existing pieces of threat intelligence.

Who uses Taxii?

Products and Services (Archive)

Offering Vendor TAXII
Interflow Microsoft Corporation
Invincea Advanced Endpoint Protection 5 Invincea, Inc.
iSIGHT Partners ThreatScape API iSIGHT Partners Inc.
Jigsaw IOC Service Jigsaw Security Enterprise Inc.

What is the OpenIOC framework?

The base schema of OpenIOC is a simple framework that is written in XML, which can be used to document and classify forensic artifacts of an intrusion occurring across any network or host. The framework comes with a 500 pre-defined base set of indicators, as provided by MANDIANT.

What is openopenioc written in?

OpenIOC is written in XML (Extensible Markup Language). XML provides a well-recognized standard format of encoding data into a machine readable format that is used in many different standardized methods of communicating data.

What is open indicators of compromise (OpenIOC) framework?

What is Open Indicators of Compromise (OpenIOC) Framework? OpenIOC is an open framework, meant for sharing threat intelligence information in a machine-readable format. It was developed by the American cybersecurity firm MANDIANT in November 2011.

What is the OpenIOC test mechanism used for?

This idiom describes using the OpenIOC test mechanism to share IOCs for the Zeus malware as used in the OpenIOC example. The hypothetical producer of this information could want to use OpenIOC because it’s a popular language for sharing IOCs that work in existing tools.


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