What is optomap retinal screening?

What is optomap retinal screening?

Optomap® Retinal Exam Detects Disease Earlier! The Optomap Retinal Exam is a non-dilating camera that captures a digital image of the retina. The Optomap allows the doctor to capture a 200° high-resolution image of the retina in a single shot– without dilation — in a quarter of a second.

Is Optomap retinal exam necessary?

While the optomap can be very useful for a diabetic screening, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AA) and the American Optometric Association (AOA) still recommend that people with diabetes have a dilated eye exam at least once a year.

Is Optomap retinal exam safe?

3) Optomap is safe, sanitary, and instantaneous This procedure is very safe and sanitary, as our team cleans the device with alcohol wipes between each patient. Also, it only takes 1/2 second to capture an optomap image that will be immediately available for interpretation by our doctors.

Can optomap detect retinal detachment?

Conclusion: The Optomap detects retinal detachments successfully but, due to limitations in the optics, is not able to accurately detect retinal holes and tears.

Is optomap a substitute for dilation?

If you find it difficult to have your eyes dilated for an exam, the Optomap may be an alternative for screening some more common retinal and optic nerve conditions. However, it is not a full substitute for a dilated eye exam. It is still highly recommended that you have your eyes dilated.

Is optomap or dilation better?

The Optomap is not necessarily better than dilation. The Optomap Retinal Exam is a great tool to use in addition to dilation or when a patient can’t, or doesn’t want to be dilated. In some cases, the view provided by the Optomap is superior to that of pupil dilation.

Can optomap detect glaucoma?

The optomap® Retinal Exam is at the cutting edge of technology available to eye doctors. It allows your doctor to see health issues that without this technology would previously have been undetected. Many eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal detachments can be detected with the optomap®.

Is eye Dilation better than optomap?

Does Medicare cover optomap?

No; for Medicare and most other third-party payers, screening is a non-covered service regardless of what is found. If pathology is found on an optomap retina health check image, the patient may need to return for medically necessary diagnostic tests to evaluate the pathology and determine a course of treatment.

Why is optomap not covered by insurance?

Digital retinal imaging (Optomap) allows our doctors to evaluate the light-sensitive lining inside your eye (retina). Optomap is usually not covered by insurance unless it’s medically necessary to diagnose an internal eye problem.

Can retina be checked without dilation?

Is dilation necessary at every eye exam? The simple answer is no, not every exam requires a pupil dilation, BUT an annual examination or an examination in patients with retinal conditions; it is an important step for thorough eye examination.

Can optomap detect tumors?

A flash of light lets you know your retina has been scanned. The optomap® results are displayed on a computer screen right away so we can look at it together. Occasionally, serious conditions are detected during an optomap® retinal exam, like eye or brain tumors.

What can optomap tell you about your eyes?

Both ocular and systemic disease can be detected with the Optomap. The device allows us to evaluate your retina for problems such as macular degeneration, retinal holes, retinal detachments, hypertension and diabetic retinopathy. Benign nevi or “freckles” of the back of the eye can also be found just like freckles on your skin.

What are the benefits of a retinal screening?

Retinal Imaging Offers a Better View and Early Detection. Retinal images also make it easier for your doctor to educate you about your health and wellness. The two of you can review your images together, and your doctor can point out the various structures of the retina and explain treatment options for any conditions revealed by the pictures.

What is the process of a retinal eye exam?

To have the exam,you simply look into the Optomap one eye at a time (like looking through a keyhole).

  • A low-powered scanning laser digitally scans the retina.
  • Different wavelengths of laser light are used to capture an image of your retina.
  • What is OPTOS screening?

    Payment for Screening by optomap Fundus Photography (Optos) Screening is part of a wellness program to check for disease that may otherwise go undetected. Screening is not required by medical necessity; it’s optional. The physician recommends the optomap fundus photo prior to every complete eye examination.


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