What is Oracle database version?

What is Oracle database version?

With many different Oracle database versions released, Oracle provides innovative capabilities in many areas, including management, performance, security, and development. Currently, the latest Oracle versions include 11G, 12C, 18C, and 19C.

What is Oracle Database 19C?

Oracle Database 19c is a multi-model database that provides full support for relational data and non- relational data, such as JSON, XML, text, spatial, and graph data.

What is difference between 11G and 12C in Oracle?

Oracle 12c is just upgraded version of the Oracle 11g with some new features like cloud support and pluggable database, kind of like master slave architecture. With the Oracle 12 c, you can plug your database to cloud anytime. It has multiple new features like JSON support, multitenant architecture and etc.

How do I find Oracle client version?

In Windows. Check the Inst_loc entry value which will be the software installed location. You can use command prompt or you can navigate/explore to the oracle home location and then cd to bin directory to lauch sqlplus which will give you the client version information.

How do I find the SQL Server database version?

How to tell what version of Microsoft SQL Server you are running?

  1. One simple way to do this is to run SELECT @@version.
  2. Another option is to right click on the SQL Server instance name in SSMS and select Properties.
  3. You can also use the SERVERPROPERTY function to get details about the version of SQL Server.

What is current version of Oracle?

Oracle Database 19c is the current long term release, and it provides the highest level of release stability and longest time-frame for support and bug fixes. Oracle Database 21c, also available for production use today as an innovation release, provides an early insight into the many enhancements and new capabilities.

What is difference between 10g and 11g?

What is the difference between 10g and 11g? Compared with 10g, 11g provides more simplified, improved and automated memory management and better ability to diagnose faults through inbuilt infrastructure to prevent, detect, diagnose, and help resolve critical database errors, as well as, low database performance issues.

How do I find my instant client version?

How to identify Oracle Instant Client Version

  1. SM51->”Release Notes”
  2. From SAP Workprocess Trace.
  3. Use SAPIC_README File (Linux and Windows)
  4. Windows / on Database Server: oci.dll.
  5. Windows / on SAP Application Server: oraocci.dll.

What is SQL version?

Latest updates available for currently supported versions of SQL Server

Version Latest Service Pack Complete version information
SQL Server 2017 None SQL Server 2017 builds
SQL Server 2016 SP3 (13.0.6300.2 – September 2021) SP2 (13.0.5026.0 – April 2018) SP1 (13.0.4001.0 – November 2016) SQL Server 2016 builds


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