What is page URL in GTM?

What is page URL in GTM?

Page URL returns more information about the web page address (includes the protocol, hostname, page path, port, query parameters). An example could be https://www.example.com/pages/contact-us/?ref=internal-banner. In Google Tag Manager Tips.

How do I connect my GTM to my website?

Setup and install Tag Manager

  1. Create an account, or use an existing account, at tagmanager.google.com. (A new container is created by default, and you can create additional containers within each account.)
  2. Install the container in your website or mobile app.
  3. Add and publish your tags.

What is HTML ID in Tag Manager?

dom, gtm. load, or custom event names). HTML ID: Allows custom HTML tags to signal if they had succeeded or failed; used with tag sequencing. Random Number: Returns a random number value.

What are built in variables in Google Tag Manager?

Variable: A variable is a named placeholder for a value that will change, such as a product name, a price value, or a date. Data layer: Tag manager implements a data layer to temporarily hold values in the client so that they can be used by tags, triggers, and variables.

What is the page URL?

URL is the short form for Uniform Resource Locator, a website URL is the location of a specific website, page, or file on the Internet. For example, if you enter https://themeisle.com/blog/what-is-a-website-url/ in your web browser, your web browser will take you to this post.

What are variables in URL?

URL Variables are typically used to pass data for pre-population purposes in Alchemer. But, they can also be used to control the way a web application or form works. We refer to these as URL variable tricks or hacks.

Where do I find my GTM code?

Log in to your Google Tag Manager account and open a container. In the top right corner (next to the Submit and Preview buttons) you’ll see some short text that starts with GTM- and then contains some letters/numbers. That’s your Google Tag Manager ID.

Where do I put GTM code?

In Google Tag Manager, click Workspace. Near the top of the window, find your container ID, formatted as GTM-XXXXXX . Click your container ID to launch the Install Tag Manager window. Copy the code and install on all pages based on the instructions provided.

How do I add a variable in GTM?

To create a new user-defined variable:

  1. In the left navigation, click Variables.
  2. In the User-Defined Variables section, click New.
  3. Click Variable Configuration and select the desired variable type.
  4. Enter configuration options for the selected variable type.
  5. Name the variable.
  6. Click Save.

What is trigger in GTM?

In Google Tag Manager, a trigger listens to your web page or mobile app for certain types of events like form submissions, button clicks, or page views. The trigger tells the tag to fire when the specified event is detected. Every tag must have at least one trigger in order to fire.

How do you set variables in GTM?

How do you add a variable to a GTM?

Conclusion: how to insert variables in Google Tag Manager

  1. Variables are surrounded by double curly brackets {{ }}.
  2. You can insert them into tags, triggers, variables.
  3. Variables can be inserted in all fields within GTM which are next to a button with a LEGO brick.

How do I access the click element value in GTM?

This value in the Data Layer can be accessed by the Click Element variable in GTM (but not limited to. More on that — a bit later) In preview and debug mode, Click Element might look similar to the Click URL variable but they are totally different. Click URL just simply returns a string that is a web address (URL).

What is the difference between GTM error message and error url?

Error Message: Accesses the gtm.errorMessage key in the dataLayer, which is set by JavaScript Error triggers. This will be a string that contains the error message. Error URL: Accesses the gtm.errorUrl key in the dataLayer, which is set by JavaScript Error triggers. This will be a string that contains the URL where the error occurred.

What are debug mode and click element in GTM?

Debug Mode: This variable returns true if the GTM container is currently in preview mode. Its values are boolean (true/false). Click Element: This variable returns the HTML element that was clicked. This variable gets its value from the ‘gtm.element’ key in the data layer.

How to track visibility of an HTML element using GTM?

So you would first need to identify the elements whose visibility you want to track. To do that, GTM provides the following two selection methods while configuring an ‘element visibility’ trigger: Use the ID selector, if you have got only one type of HTML element to find/track and that element has got the ‘ID’ attribute.


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