What is Peachtree Premium Accounting?

What is Peachtree Premium Accounting?

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accounting Software is designed to assist today’s successful, growing businesses with up to 50 employees that need a top-of-the-line Accounting Software solution to handle their complex business management needs. This comprehensive solution couples user friendly.

How do I convert Peachtree To QuickBooks?

How it works

  1. Step 1: Contact us to schedule the conversion.
  2. Step 2: Locate the Peachtree backup file on your computer and upload it using the instuctions sent to you.
  3. Step 3: After the conversion is complete, you will receive a download link to download the converted Quickbooks data file.

How do I change accounting year in Peachtree?

To change the accounting period, simply click on the accounting period icon in Peachtree’s main window. Here, you can select the date of the accounting period you wish to open, then click the OK icon. You are then able to enter transactions into the required accounting period.

Is there a manual for the Peachtree Accounting program?

This manual is not intended to completely cover all aspects of the Peachtree Accounting Program, but to provide an introduction to the software. COMPANY BACKUP Manual Backup and Restore Backing up creates one file that includes all company information and customized forms present at the time the backup was made, as well as all transactions.

How do I set up a new company in Peachtree?

Peachtree displays the next Create a New Company window corresponding to your setup option. Create a New Company – Fiscal Year Starting dates need to be established for setting up your company and entering data. Once you establish a starting date, Peachtree will automatically set up monthly accounting periods for your first two fiscal years.

What happens if I install an older version of Peachtree?

Note the following information: ❖ If you choose to keep the older release but convert your Peachtree com- pany data to Release 2010, you will NOT be able to access that data with the old release. ❖ If you choose to install over the old release, your Peachtree company data will NOT be overwritten.

How do I use batch posting in Peachtree?

When you use batch posting, you can print registers and check the batch of transactions before posting them to the journals. You can switch posting methods at any time. f3. To continue setting up your company, select the Next button. Peachtree displays the Create a New Company – Accounting Periods window.


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