What is resonator and its types?

What is resonator and its types?

Resonators can be classified into two types; electromagnetic wave resonators, and electromechanical or (electro)acoustic wave resonators, based upon their principles of operation. Since the second type is mostly based on mechanical resonance, it is not usable in high frequency applications.

What is the function of resonator cavity in laser?

lasers. An optical resonator is needed to build up the light energy in the beam. The resonator is formed by placing a pair of mirrors facing each other so that light emitted along the line between the mirrors is reflected back and forth.

What is photonic resonator?

Abstract. Photonic ring resonance is a property of light where in certain circumstances specific wavelengths are trapped in a ring resonator. Sensors based on silicon photonic ring resonators function by detecting the interaction between light circulating inside the sensor and matter deposited on the sensor surface.

What are nanocavities?

A nanophotonic resonator or nanocavity is an optical cavity which is on the order of tens to hundreds of nanometers in size. Nanophotonic resonators can be made with photonic crystals, silicon, diamond, or metals such as gold.

What are optical cavities used for?

Optical cavities are a major component of lasers, surrounding the gain medium and providing feedback of the laser light. They are also used in optical parametric oscillators and some interferometers. Light confined in the cavity reflects multiple times, producing standing waves for certain resonance frequencies.

Which is the example of optical resonance?

Optical resonance When 2 mirrors, one partially reflective and other highly reflective are part of a laser, they form an optical resonator. Interferometers and some optical parametric oscillators use optical resonators because it has a large Q factor which suggests less amount of energy loss.

How cavity resonator is formed?

The simplest cavity resonator is formed by using a transmission line. The source end can be terminated by ZS and the load end can be terminated by ZL. When ZS and ZL are non- dissipative, such as when they are reactive loads (capacitive or inductive), then no energy is dissipitated as a wave is reflected off them.

What is photonic crystal cavity?

Photonic crystal cavities increase temporal confinement of light in a material, as represented by their high quality factor, while plasmonic structures increase spatial confinement, as represented by their low mode volume.

What are the applications of resonance?

One use for resonance is to establish a condition of stable frequency in circuits designed to produce AC signals. Usually, a parallel (tank) circuit is used for this purpose, with the capacitor and inductor directly connected together, exchanging energy between each other.


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