What is retinal vascular pattern?

What is retinal vascular pattern?

A classification of these patterns into four well-defined groups is described. The avian retina is completely avascular (anangiotic pattern), but a densely vascularised pecten oculi is attached to the linear optic nerve head and protrudes far into the inferior part of the vitreous body.

How are retinal blood vessels adapted?

Endothelial cells in retinal blood vessels have tight junctions which are known to compose the blood–retinal barrier. This barrier protects the neural retina from the leakage of toxic components from blood circulation.

Are retinal vessels smooth?

The retinal arteries have a continuous layer of smooth muscle cells that generate the vasoactive response to local stimuli.

Are blood vessels fractals?

There are many more examples of fractal branching patterns in our bodies, and blood vessels are one of the most impressive examples.

What does Holangiotic mean?

Adjective. holangiotic (not comparable) (anatomy) Having blood vessels present in all parts of the retina.

What is the correct order of the path of light through the eye?

1)Enters cornea, which bends the light. 2)Light passes freely through pupil in the iris. 3)Light passes through vitreous humor. 4)Retina captures light rays, processes them into impulses.

Where are retinal blood vessels?

The central retinal artery travels along the inferior margin of the optic nerve sheath and then enters the eye through the center of the optic nerve. The artery then branches in the inner retina to form three capillary layers (Netter 2006). The retinal vessels provide blood to the inner retinal neurons.

What blood vessels are important for the retina?

The retina is supplied with blood through two branches of the OA: the central retinal artery (CRA) and the posterior ciliary arteries. The first branch, the central retinal artery, runs along the optic nerve, passing through the lamina cribrosa and entering the optic disc nasal to the postocular center.

Are humans fractal?

We are fractal. Our lungs, our circulatory system, our brains are like trees. They are fractal structures. Most natural objects – and that includes us human beings – are composed of many different types of fractals woven into each other, each with parts which have different fractal dimensions.

What is fractal nature?

A fractal is a kind of pattern that we observe often in nature and in art. As Ben Weiss explains, “whenever you observe a series of patterns repeating over and over again, at many different scales, and where any small part resembles the whole, that’s a fractal.”

What is ora serrata in human eye?

The ora serrata is the peripheral termination of the retina and lies approximately 5 mm anterior to the equator of the eye. The ora serrata is approximately 2 mm wide and is the site of transition from the complex, multilayered neural retina to the single, nonpigmented layer of ciliary epithelium.

What is retinal vessel attenuation?

Retinal vessel attenuation is recognized as an almost universal finding in eyes with RP, 1 and is mainly thought to reflect decreased metabolic demand of the degenerating retina, 2 where loss of oxygen consumption leads to increased local oxygen levels in the inner retina that in turn results in vasoconstriction.

What is the pattern of blood vessels in the retina?

As noted, the pattern of retinal blood vessels is highly variable among different mammalian species. In the human retina, the intrinsic retinal blood vessels nourish the nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, inner plexiform layer, and inner two-thirds of the inner nuclear layer.

What is the function of the blood–retinal barrier?

Endothelial cells in retinal blood vessels have tight junctions which are known to compose the blood–retinal barrier. This barrier protects the neural retina from the leakage of toxic components from blood circulation.

What is the relationship between diabetes and retinopathy?

Their early loss in diabetes may account for the increase in blood flow that occurs in the retina in diabetes, and may contribute to the development of retinopathy. Retinal vessels are unique in a way as they are the only blood vessels of the body that can be observed live.

Do birds have blood vessels in their eyes?

Holangiotic, with blood vessels distributed throughout most of the neurosensory retina, supplying the inner retina only. Birds have no retinal vessels but they have a complex vascular structure, the pecten, which extends into the vitreous from the optic nerve head.


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