What is Sal Petrae used for?

What is Sal Petrae used for?

Its common names include saltpetre, from Medieval Latin sal petrae: “stone salt” or possibly “Salt of Petra” (saltpeter in US English), Nitrate of potash, and nitre. The name Chile saltpeter is applied to sodium nitrate, a different nitrogen compound that is also used in explosives and fertilizers.

How did saltpeter get its name?

saltpeter (n.) 1500, earlier salpetre (early 14c.), from Old French salpetre, from Medieval Latin sal petrae “salt of rock,” from Latin sal “salt” (from PIE root *sal- “salt”) + petra “rock, stone” (see petrous). So called because it looks like salt encrusted on rock and has a saline taste.

What is the common name of potassium nitrate?

It is a source of nitrogen, and nitrogen was named after niter. Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen-containing compounds collectively referred to as saltpetre (or saltpeter in North America)….Potassium nitrate.

IUPAC name Potassium nitrate
Other names Saltpeter Saltpetre Nitrate of potash
CAS Number 7757-79-1

What does the term saltpeter mean?

English Language Learners Definition of saltpeter : a white powder that exists naturally in some soils and that is used especially as a fertilizer, in medicine, and to make gunpowder. See the full definition for saltpeter in the English Language Learners Dictionary. saltpeter. noun. salt·​pe·​ter.

What is the Chile saltpetre?

Chile saltpetre, otherwise called sodium nitrate, is the chemical compound having the chemical formula NaNO3. To distinguish it from the ordinary saltpeter, potassium nitrate, this alkali metal nitrate salt is often called Chile saltpeter (because the large deposits were traditionally mined in Chile).

What’s another name for saltpeter?

saltpetre, also spelled Saltpeter, also called Nitre, or Niter, any of three naturally occurring nitrates, distinguished as (1) ordinary saltpetre, or potassium nitrate, KNO3; (2) Chile saltpetre, cubic nitre, or sodium nitrate, NaNO3; and (3) lime saltpetre, wall saltpetre, or calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2.

What is another name for potassium?

The name is derived from the english word potash. The chemical symbol K comes from kalium, the Mediaeval Latin for potash, which may have derived from the arabic word qali, meaning alkali.

What is child saltpetre?

In the earth crust, nitrogen occurs as sodium nitrate (NaNO3) called Chile salt petre, a deliquescent crystalline sodium salt that is found chiefly in northern Chile. It is a white crystalline solid, odourless and has a slightly bitter taste. It is non-combustible and is highly soluble in water, hydrazine and ammonia.

What is the origin of the chemical name potassium?

potassium (n.) metallic element, 1807, coined by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy from Modern Latin potassa, Latinized form of potash (q.v.). Davy first isolated it from potash. The chemical symbol K is from Latin kalium “potash,” from Arabic al-qaliy “the ashes, burnt ashes” (see alkali ). Related: Potassic.

What is the best source of potassium?

Potassium is found in a wide variety of plant and animal foods and in beverages. Many fruits and vegetables are excellent sources, as are some legumes (e.g., soybeans) and potatoes. Meats, poultry, fish, milk, yogurt, and nuts also contain potassium [3,5].

Where do northern African names come from?

Northern African names include those from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.

What are the forms of potassium in fruits and vegetables?

The forms of potassium in fruits and vegetables include potassium phosphate, sulfate, citrate, and others, but not potassium chloride (the form used in salt substitutes and some dietary supplements; see supplements section below) [16].


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