What is secret Noforn?

What is secret Noforn?

(TOP SECRET//NOFORN) This marking may be used with CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, or TOP SECRET information. If a document contains both “NOFORN” and “REL TO” portions, NOFORN takes precedence for the markings within the banner line (i.e. the overall markings).

What does secret Relido mean?

RELIDO is a dissemination marking that may be applied to intelligence information to indicate that the originator has authorized Designated Intelligence Disclosure Officials (DIDO) to make further sharing decisions in accordance with the existing procedures for uncaveated intelligence material (intelligence with no …

What does secret FGI mean?

SECRET classification, which may be applied only by the United States Trade. Representative. USTR typically classifies information at the CONFIDENTIAL level. FGI is classified at the CONFIDENTIAL level because its unauthorized disclosure is presumed to cause damage to the national security.

What does Noforn stand for?

Use of NOFORN Marking with CUI. Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals (NOFORN) is an explicit foreign release marking used to indicate intelligence information that may not be released in any form to foreign governments, foreign nationals, foreign organizations, or non- U.S. citizens.

Is Noforn considered classified?

Also, the statement of NOFORN (meaning “no foreign nationals”) is applied to any information that may not be released to any non-U.S. citizen. NOFORN and distribution statements are often used in conjunction with classified information or alone on SBU information.

What does orcon Usgov mean?

ORCON-USGOV – The ORCON-USGOV marking is placed on classified national security information to indicate that it may be disseminated to other Federal agencies but may not be disseminated outside of the executive branch without the prior approval of the originating agency.

What does orcon classification mean?

ORCON — Stands for “Originator Control,” which gives the office which has classified the briefing the control over its dissemination.

Does classified mean top secret?

Classified information can be designated Top Secret, Secret or Confidential. These classifications are only used on matters of national interest. Top Secret: applies when compromise might reasonably cause exceptionally grave injury to the national interest.

What does NF mean?


Acronym Definition
S/NF Secret/No Foreign

Is Noforn a CUI?

The CUI Category Marking is mandatory. c. Limited Dissemination Controls place limits on how CUI can be shared. For example, the Limited Dissemination Control “NOFORN” prevents the information from being shared with non-US citizens and governments.


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