What is simple type in XML?

What is simple type in XML?

A simple type is a type that only contains text data when expressed according to XML 1.0. This type can be used with element declarations and attribute declarations. The embedded simple type is provided for in XML Schema Part 2. A restriction may be placed on an embedded simple type to create a new, unique simple type.

What is minInclusive in XSD?

minInclusive. Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value must be greater than or equal to this value) minLength. Specifies the minimum number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero.

What is Nmtoken in XSD?

The lexical and value spaces of xsd:NMTOKEN are the set of XML 1.0 name tokens, tokens composed of characters, digits, period, colons, hyphens, and the characters defined by Unicode, such as “combining” or “extender.”

What is the difference between simple and complex XML schema types?

simple types can only have content directly contained between the element’s opening and closing tags. They cannot have attributes or child elements. complex types can have attributes, can contain other elements, can contain a mixture of elements and text, etc etc.

What is enumeration in XML?

Enumerations define a “controlled vocabulary” for the value for an attribute. Enumerations enable standard categorizations and tagging to enable standard reporting. Enumerations are a base simple type in the XSD specification containing a list of possible values.

What is meant by DTD in XML?

A document type definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language (GML, SGML, XML, HTML). A DTD defines the valid building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of validated elements and attributes.

What is the difference between Nmtoken and Nmtokens attribute types?

The value of NMTOKEN follows the same rules as XML name, except with NMTOKEN any of the allowed characters can be the first character. NMTOKENS enables us to specify several NMTOKEN values (separated by whitespace) in a single string.

What is Idref in XML?

Declaring XML Attributes The IDREF attribute type indicates that the attribute can contain only a value that matches an ID value within the same document.

What are enumerations and descriptive XML Schema?

XML Schema – Enumerations and Descriptors Enumerations and Ed-Fi Descriptors Enumerations define a “controlled vocabulary” for the value for an attribute. Enumerations enable standard categorizations and tagging to enable standard reporting.

What are enumerations in XSD?

Enumerations are a base simple type in the XSD specification containing a list of possible values. Single-valued enumerations are shown as restrictions of the base simple type xs:token, as illustrated below:

What is enumeration in MySQL?

Enumeration limits a value space to a specific set of values – if a value isn’t specified in the set in the schema, it isn’t valid. 3.66.4. Enumerating A Simple Type

What is the difference between code-based and XML enumerations?

Governing bodies have historically used a code-based approach for specifying enumerations. Each enumeration typically has a numeric value (e.g., 1, 2, 3…). This approach was born from flat-file data collections, where the codes were more concise than their descriptive label. This limitation does not exist in XML.


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