What is site specific environmental management plan?

What is site specific environmental management plan?

8 Site Specific Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan Site Specific Environmental Management Plans are prepared to ensure compliance with the ADB’s environmental safeguard requirements and all applicable laws, regulations and standards for environmental protection in Republic of Armenia.

What should be in a construction environmental management plan?

Construction environmental management plans often detail the implementation of measures in accordance with environmental commitments outlined in; an Environmental Statement, an environmental policy or environmental plan, requirements of planning conditions, Section 106 agreements or other legislative requirements.

What is a Ssemp?

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (SSEMP) General management of environmental issues in a listed stream. The SSEMPS have been prepared using the best information available and are not intended to be final.

What is a construction environmental plan?

The EMP will address the environmental impacts during the design, construction and operational phases of a project. These are aimed at ensuring that the contractor maintains adequate control over the project in order to: • Minimise the extent of impact during construction.

What is construction management plan?

A construction management plan is a document that entails detailed information on mechanisms, tools, resources, and the knowledge transfer necessary to deliver complex construction projects. Overall, it is a handbook for the project managers that can help them in managing construction projects to succeed.

What is Eedi and EEOI?

The difference between these two terms is that EEDI is the measure of energy efficiency of the ship by design and EEOI is the measure of how efficiently the ships are operated. EEDI is how well (energy efficient) a ship is built. EEOI is the measure of how well (energy efficient) a ship is operated.

Why is environmental management plan necessary?

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is recognised as the tool that can provide the assurance that the project proponent has made suitable provision for mitigation. The EMP provides a description of the methods and procedures for mitigating and monitoring impacts.

How do you comply with EEXI?

Other solutions to reduce EEXI include retrofitting clean technologies, such as batteries, waste heat recovery systems, air lubrication technology, wind-assisted propulsion, or using low or zero-carbon fuels.

How is EEXI calculated?

The calculation of the EEXI follows the calculation of the well-known EEDI. The emissions are calculated from installed power of the main engine, the corresponding specific fuel oil consumption of the main engine and of auxiliary engines, and a conversion factor between fuel and the corresponding CO2 mass.

What is the aim of Eedi?

The EEDI for new ships is the most important technical measure and aims at promoting the use of more energy efficient (less polluting) equipment and engines. The EEDI requires a minimum energy efficiency level per capacity mile (e.g. tonne mile) for different ship type and size segments.

How do you calculate EEDI?

The reference value is defined by a line which is mathematically defined as: Required EEDI = a · b-c Table 1.1 lists the ship type depending calculation values for the required EEDI. The required EEDI will be reduced by X % each five years based on the initial value (Phase 0) and depending on the vessel size.

Why is environmental management important for construction projects?

Environmental management plans are increasingly important documents for construction and site based companies. As the planet becomes an increasingly important component of project delivery to almost all stakeholders, so does environmental management become increasingly important for your company and projects.

What is the environmental management plan?

The plan focuses on environmental management at a high level – and connects your operations with a specific code or requirement.

Who is responsible for the environmental performance of an EPC project?

• The EPC contractor (during the construction phase) and the Plant Management (during the operation phase) should have the overall responsibility for environmental performance at the site and should be required to assign dedicated resources to coordinate all aspects of the Environmental Management System.

Is it normal to create one environmental plan template?

Although these environmental plans may seem like a lot of work, it is very normal to create one comprehensive template which can then be tweaked and cloned from project to project based off unique requirements or aspects of the new project.


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