What is special about Santiago de Compostela?

What is special about Santiago de Compostela?

This famous pilgrimage site in north-west Spain became a symbol in the Spanish Christians’ struggle against Islam. With its Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque buildings, the Old Town of Santiago is one of the world’s most beautiful urban areas. …

What was the main purpose of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela?

When the pilgrimage began in the Middle Ages, the aim was to arrive in the sacred city of Santiago de Compostela. There was no official starting point, but because it was safer for people to walk together, pilgrims created common roads and paths.

What is the legend of Santiago?

The name Santiago goes back to the Apostle James (Saint James = Santiago) who went to this most north-western part of Spain, called by the Romans “Finis Terrae”, “end of the world”, to preach and convert people to Christianity.

How old is the Santiago de Compostela?

Background. Construction of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral began in 1075, during the reign of Alfonso VI. It was built under the direction of Bishop Diego Peláez, on the site of an old church dedicated to Saint Santiago, or St James as he is known in English.

Who is buried at the site of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela?

Saint James the Great
The cathedral is the reputed burial place of Saint James the Great, the apostle of Jesus Christ. It is also one of the only three remaining churches in the world built over the tomb of an apostle of Jesus, the other two being St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City and St.

What is the best known symbol of Santiago de Compostela?

The scallop shell, often found on the shores in Galicia, has long been the symbol of the Camino de Santiago.

How do I keep bedbugs off my Camino?


  1. #1 – Keep Your Rucksack OFF the Bed.
  2. #2 – How to check for bedbugs.
  3. #3 – Wear bedclothes that cover your skin.
  4. #4 – Use Silk Sleep Sheet (or bed bug sheet)
  5. #5 – Perform a shakedown!
  6. #6 – Don’t panic if you find a bite!
  7. #7 – If you are bitten, then you need to tell someone!


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