What is structural tone?

What is structural tone?

Structure Tone is a global leader in construction management and general contracting services with offices located in the US, UK, and Ireland. Founded in 1971, the company is among the world’s top twenty construction companies worldwide, responsible for more than $3.5B in annual construction volume.

Who owns Structure Tone?

Global Infrastructure Solutions Inc.
STO Building Group Inc./Parent organizations

Who started Structure Tone?

Patrick J.
1971. The Structure Tone organization is founded in New York City by Patrick J.

How many employees does Structure Tone have?

1,796 employees
How many Employees does Structure Tone have? Structure Tone has 1,796 employees.

Who bought Layton Construction?

STO Building Group
Layton and STO Building Group Merge to Form Largest Privately Held US Builder – Global Infrastructure Solutions Inc. The company did not release financial details of the transaction between the two privately held firms, set for completion at month’s end.

Who bought Layton construction?

Who owns Layton Construction in Utah?

David S. Layton
David S. Layton became president and CEO of the company in 2004 after Alan S. and his wife left to serve their own church mission. David has been instrumental in expanding the business from a regional contractor to a major, national corporation.

Who owns STO group?

STO Building Group Inc./Parent organizations
“This is the next logical step in our evolution,” says David S. Layton, Layton president and CEO. When completed, Layton’s current owners, which includes about 100 senior executives and family members, will be shareholders in STO’s parent organization, Global Infrastructure Solutions Inc., an investor group.

Did Layton Construction get bought out?

Layton Construction and STO Building Group, formerly known as the Structure Tone Organization, announced Wednesday that Layton will merge with STO as part of a deal that should be complete by the end of the year. Financial details of the agreement have not been disclosed.

Who bought out Layton Construction?

Who bought Abbott Construction?

Abbott Construction is pleased to announce that we have merged with STO Building Group to become a member of the STOBG family of companies.


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