What is Sulphur homeopathic remedy used for?

What is Sulphur homeopathic remedy used for?

Sulfur is applied to the skin for acne, hayfever, skin redness (rosacea), dandruff, scaly and red skin patches (seborrheic dermatitis), an itchy skin infection caused by mites (scabies), lice, cold sores, warts, and poison oak, ivy, and sumac infections.

What is the homeopathic remedy phosphorus used for?

Phosphorus is commonly for irritating coughs and sore throats. Pains may be burning with a desire to sip cold drinks. Very sensitive to all impressions, the senses may become very acute and they may have many fears.

Are Silicea and silica the same thing?

Both silicon and silica contains silicon atoms. But silica is different from silicon due to their structures and properties. The main difference between silicon and silica is that silicon is an element whereas silica is a compound.

Can sulphur be used as a remedy?

Use of this remedy as a medicine dates back to many years. It is said by Dr. Hahnemann that Sulphur has been used to treat itching since 2000 years ago. As a homeopathic medicine, it is majorly used to treat skin complaints, hot flushes, early morning diarrhoea and piles.

What is the homeopathic medicine prepared from Brimstone?

The homeopathic medicine is prepared from brimstone. To obtain the medicine, “Flowers of Sulphur” are triturated (a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared). Use of this remedy as a medicine dates back to many years.

What are the common skin complaints treated with sulphur?

The common skin complaints that are treated effectively with Sulphur are scabies (contagious itchy skin condition caused by burrowing mites called Sarcoptes scabiei), eczema, urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction), skin ulcers, boils (infections with pus filled lumps on skin), and pimples. 2. Headache

What are the symptoms of thyroidinum treatment?

Thyroidinum treatment for Eyes ailments: Progressive diminution of sight with central scotoma ( Carbon sulf ). Thyroidinum treatment for Throat ailments: Dry, congested, raw, burning; worse left side. Thyroidinum treatment for Stomach ailments: Desire for sweets and thirst for cold water. Nausea worse riding in car.


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