What is TAP transportation?

What is TAP transportation?

TAP is a rural transportation program that provides service to older adults and people with disabilities who are outside of the DART service Area.

What is a Federal TAP grant?

Program purpose The TAP replaces the funding from pre-MAP-21 programs including Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, and Safe Routes to School, wrapping them into a single funding source.

What are CMAQ funds?

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program provides funds to States for transportation projects designed to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, particularly in areas of the country that do not attain national air quality standards.

What is Rstp in transportation?

The state program is called the Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP). State exchange frees projects from federal requirements; however, the exchange program may be eliminated due to pending legislation or a lack of available state cash.

What is HSIP service?

IP (HSIP) This Privacy Data Sheet describes the processing of personal data by managed network-based High Speed IP (“HSIP” or the “Service”). HSIP is provided directly by CenturyLink to its customers (“Customers”) for use by Customer and Customer’s end users (each an “End User”). Processing of personal data.

What are RSTP funds?

RSTP provides flexible funding to Northern Virginia, and similar regions across the country, that may be used for projects to improve and preserve conditions and performance on federal-aid highways, public bridges and tunnels, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and transit capital projects.

What is Lumen Hsip?

Lumen Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) and High-Speed IP (HSIP) services provide internet access, with DIA product primarily for medium- to larger-sized organizations and government agencies up to 1GigE and HSIP for direct and indirect wholesale, content and regional service provider customers 1GigE and above.

What is tap Assistance Program?

Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP) is the monetary assistance program established by Kentucky using Federal funds from the TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) block grant. K-TAP provides financial and medical assistance to needy dependent children in Kentucky and the parents, or relatives, with whom the children are living.

What is State Transportation Improvement Program?

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a federal- and state-mandated program document that includes information concerning local highway, state highway, and transit projects and services for the following six years. It is revised in its entirety every two years and is open for amendment submissions once a month.

What is transportation reimbursement program?

The Transportation Reimbursement Incentive Program (TRIP) is an easy to use employee benefit program that helps to reduce the burden of qualified transportation and parking expenses. Employees can realize substantial tax savings by paying less in income taxes.

What is a transportation program?

The Transportation Subsidy Program is a program of financial incentives designed to encourage employees to use mass transit for commuting to and from work. The Transportation Subsidy Program originated with the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act of 1993, (P.L.


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